在为从夜间构建中导入 jar 文件进行了大量的努力之后,我设法在入侵者演示项目导入后摆脱了最初的错误。“gdx-invaders”和“gdx-invaders-android”项目上没有感叹号和红十字标记。由于其中没有包含桌面项目,因此无法在桌面上进行测试。尝试在 Android 手机上启动此功能,但出现以下错误。“无法解析 Lcom/badlogic/gdxinvaders/GdxInvadersAndroid 的超类;” “类 'Lcom/badlogic/gdxinvaders/GdxInvadersAndroid; 的链接;' 失败的”


@Deen 如何在项目选项卡中添加 gdx 项目?没有 gdx 项目作为项目。并且找不到以下文件 - jpct_ae.jar 和 jpct_shaders.zip?



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Well rakesh there is no desktop project but you can run it on desktop through GdxInvadersDesktop in com.badlogic.gdxinvaders . just run this file as java project to check it on desktop.

You dont need any - jpct_ae.jar and jpct_shaders.zip files for it so just forget these files.

I think you messed up the code while removing those initial red cross marks . Simplest way to run these demos is to download the libgdx master and import all the files in eclipse. Then import invader game through demos . check for dependencies in these files. And thats it. You dont need to struggle for this :)

于 2013-10-28T04:53:05.700 回答