我必须生成一个矩阵,其中列是所有文档中的所有不同单词,行是不同的文档。此表中的每个单元格为 1(真)或 0(假),用于判断该文档中是否存在该单词。有 987 个文档,总词数为 22860,总不同词数为 3680。因此将 3680 词与 22860 进行比较。这运行缓慢,但很好。花费更多时间的循环是当我遍历单词列表的对象以生成矩阵时。见下文
class word_list
public string word;
public List<bool> doc= new List<bool>();
};//class ends
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Convert the string into an array of words
string[] w1 = richTextBox1.Text.Trim().Split('\n',' ').Select(x => x.Trim().ToLower()).Distinct().ToArray(); //all distinct words
string[] rich_doc = richTextBox1.Text.Trim().Split('\n'); //all documents array
List<word_list> words = new List<word_list>();
richTextBox2.Text+=("no. of distict words: " + w1.Length + ", no. of docs " + rich_doc.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < w1.Length; i++)
word_list temp = new word_list();
temp.word = w1[i]; //temp has the current distict word as class object
for(int j=0;j<rich_doc.Length;j++)//traverse all doc array
List<string> doc_word = Regex.Split(rich_doc[j], @"\b").Distinct(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();
//richTextBox2.Text += ("\n no. of words in this doc: " + doc_word.Count);
//richTextBox2.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.Text.Length;
int doc_count = doc_word.Count; // number of docs
for (int k = 0; k < doc_count; k++)//All words in a doc are compared
if(doc_word[k].ToLower() == w1[i].ToLower())
if ((words.Count - 1)>=0)
richTextBox2.Text += ("\n word(" + words.Count + "/" + w1.Length + "): " + words[words.Count - 1].word);
richTextBox2.SelectionStart = richTextBox1.Text.Length;
//generate matrix
int t = rich_doc.Length; //no. of docs
int word_count = words.Count;
richTextBox1.Text = "Doc";
foreach (word_list w in words)
richTextBox1.Text += "\t" + w.word;
richTextBox1.Text += "\n";
//This loop is slow
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) //traverse through number of docs
richTextBox1.Text += i + 1;
for (int h = 0; h < word_count; h++)//traverse through each distinct word in the list
if (words[h].doc[i])
richTextBox1.Text += "\t1";
richTextBox1.Text += "\t0";
richTextBox1.Text += "\n";
}//end of button 2