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              <h1>TS150<sup>&trade;</sup> In-Office Milling Solution</h1><br>  
              <h2>Affordable Same-Day Dentistry</h2>
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            <p style="font-size: 1.3em;">
              The TS150<sup>&trade;</sup> Mill provides convenient milling that could reduce your turnaround time to fewer than three hours. The TS150 is a fast, efficient and affordable open-source milling unit featuring a powerful air-driven 150,000 RPM spindle. Its orbital precision milling strategy provides excellent marginal integrity. Use the TS150 to mill materials such as Obsidian<sup>&trade;</sup>, Lava<sup>&trade;</sup> Ultimate and BruxZir<sup>&reg;</sup> Solid Zirconia.

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                  <li><div><img src="/images/products/mill/slider/dentist.jpg" alt="Dental Mill restorations right in your office" title="Dental Mill restorations right in your office" /></div></li>
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                  <li><div><img src="/images/products/mill/slider/side.jpg" alt="Same-day, precise milling from your digital impression" title="Same-day, precise milling from your digital impression"/></div></li>
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                  <li><div><img src="/images/products/mill/slider/after.jpg" alt="Obsidian crown milled in under 20 minutes" title="Obsidian crown milled in under 20 minutes"/></div></li>
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            <h2 class="article_title">Materials</h2>        

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            <img src="/images/logos/obsidian.gif" alt="obsidian">
            <p>Obsidian<sup>&trade;</sup> lithium silicate ceramic is a new glass ceramic material indicated for the fabrication of full-contour crowns, 3-unit anterior bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays. Unlike layered ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations, Obsidian ceramic restorations are resistant to chipping due to their monolithic composition and average flexural strength of 373 MPa.</p>
              <li>Exceeds the strength requirements for cemented all-ceramic restorations and can also be bonded when desired</li>
              <li>Resists chipping compared to a layered ceramic or PFM restoration</li>
              <li>Available in all VITA Classical and Bleached shades</li>
            <a href="http://www.glidewelldental.com/dentist/services/all-ceramics-obsidian.aspx" target="_blank" class="button small icon-chevron-right">More Info</a>  
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            <img src="/images/logos/3m.gif" alt="3m">
            <p>Lava<sup>&trade;</sup> Ultimate Restorative is a resin nano ceramic material that offers amazing esthetics, strength and unique functionality. The impressive durability of resin nano ceramic CAD/CAM material results from its high flexural strength and fracture toughness. Nanotechnology on the inside means a beautiful, long-lasting polish on the outside.</p>
              <li>Less wear to opposing dentition than glass ceramics</li>
              <li>Absorption of chewing forces which reduces stress</li>
              <li>Fast, no firing and easy to mill</li>
            <a href="http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/3M-ESPE-NA/dental-professionals/products/category/digital-materials/lava-ultimate/" target="_blank" class="button small icon-chevron-right">More Info</a>  
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              <h4 class="video_title">IOS FastDesign Tutorial: Milling the Restoration with the TS-150 Chairside Mill</h4>          
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1 回答 1


Safari 和 Chrome 使用WebKit,Firefox 不使用。

您为所有元素定义了一个 css 属性:

    -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;


另一个解决方法是尝试只为必要的元素覆盖它。我注意到,你可以通过将这个 css 添加到正文中来做到这一点:

    -webkit-backface-visiblity: visible !important;

但是,由于正文是大多数 HTML 元素的根,这也可能是突兀的。如果这个 css 在多个文件之间共享,这就更加突兀了。如果这是真的,您可能想在正文中添加一个类,然后执行类似..

    -webkit-backface-visibility: visible !important;
于 2013-10-26T00:59:11.383 回答