
So recently I downloaded these 2 files for minecraft. http://rghost.net/49616042 is the link. One of them is a .bat file and the other is a .jar file, and the .bat opens the .jar when you run it. I ran the .bat and it did nothing, so I just deleted the files. Although I have deleted them, every time i run my computer, whenever I log in i get this message. http://i.imgur.com/9477J33.png that is the link to the image. I do not want this to pop up whenever I log in and it gets very annoying. I do not know how to get rid of it. If anybody could help me get rid of it I would be very grateful. Even though I deleted the files the script for the .bat was something like " java -jar ForceOP.jar " and that is all I remember of it. I am currently running Windows 7 Home Premium. 64 bit operating system. If anybody knows how to help please tell me! Thank you!


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1.) 开始菜单
2.) 回车msconfig,按回车
3.) 转到启动选项卡

是否出现了可能与关键字 Java 相关的异常情况?

位置:Start Menu << All Programs << Startup

于 2013-10-26T00:44:27.680 回答