我将如何修改此脚本以查找多种屏幕分辨率的图像?现在它检查单个屏幕分辨率(640x1136),但我也想检查 640x960 和 1024x768。

on run {input, parameters}

    set picFolder to alias "Users:colind:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:"
    set screenshotFolder to alias "Users:colind:Dropbox:Camera Uploads:Screenshots:"

    tell application "System Events"
        set photos to path of files of picFolder whose kind is "Portable Network Graphics image"
    end tell

    set screenshots to {}
    repeat with imgPath in photos
        set imgAlias to alias imgPath
        tell application "Image Events"
            set img to open imgPath
            if dimensions of img = {640, 1136} then
                set end of screenshots to imgAlias
            end if
            close img
        end tell
    end repeat

    tell application "Finder"
        move screenshots to screenshotFolder
    end tell

    return input
end run

1 回答 1


您应该能够将 if 行更改为:

if ((dimensions of img = {640, 1136}) or (dimensions of img = {640, 960}) or (dimensions of img = {1024, 768}) ) then
于 2013-10-26T00:00:33.997 回答