我可以拥有多个具有不同 Lot# Location Qty 组合的库存项目。
Item Safety_Stock
011901 917
Item Location Lot QOH
011901 PR501106 REXI0474 3325
011901 pp46321b REXI0474 475
Public Function InventoryUpdate()
Dim intTot As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
Dim loopCounter As Integer
'Assign recordsets
'Define recordset to get expected SS data
Dim rsSS As DAO.Recordset
Set rsSS = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_ItemxSS")
'Define recordset to get Inventory data
'Inventory records ID, Site, PL, Item, Desc, Location, Lot, QOH, QtyAlloc, Created, Expire, Status
Dim rsInv As DAO.Recordset
Set rsInv = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Inventory")
' get rsSS.recordcount and go back to the beginning
'Debug.Print rsSS.RecordCount
' Need to update Inventory records returned by subtracting SS
Dim RA() As Variant
ReDim RA(0 To rsSS.RecordCount - 1, 0 To 1)
' Populate the array with the SS data
i = 0
Do Until rsSS.EOF
'Debug.Print rsSS.Fields(0)
'Debug.Print rsSS.Fields(1)
RA(i, 0) = rsSS!Item
RA(i, 1) = rsSS!Safety_Stock
If rsSS.RecordCount <> 0 Then
i = i + 1
End If
intTot = 0
loopCounter = 0 ' This will ensure we don't check transactions more than once
Do Until rsInv.EOF
Debug.Print rsInv.Fields(3)
Debug.Print rsInv.Fields(7)
If intTot < rsInv!QOH Then 'if 0 is less than QOH
For i = loopCounter To UBound(RA) 'Loop through SS array one by one
intTot = intTot + RA(i, 1) 'Initialize intTot to be SS Qty
If intTot <= rsInv!QOH Then 'If SS Qty <= QOH
rsInv.Edit 'Edit Inventory Table
rsInv!QOH = rsInv!QOH - intTot 'Subtract SS from QOH
rsInv.Update 'Update that QOH's with new Qty
intTot = 0 'Reset SS qty to 0 since it was all allocated
loopCounter = loopCounter + 1 'increase this so we don't double check a transaction
Exit For ' exit loop and move to the next SS Qty
End If
Next i
rsInv!QOH = rsInv!QOH
intTot = intTot - rsInv!QOH
End If
If rsInv.RecordCount <> 0 Then
End If
End Function