I have modified this script http://jsfiddle.net/mblase75/xtPhk/1/ to submit a form. The goal is to disable submit button until all form fields have been validated. This works fine the first time but since, my form does not have a action jquery handles the submit as well.

So after I submit the form, the submit button does not get disabled. I have to refresh the page in order for it to get disabled.

What I am trying to do is, after every post.. the submit button should get disabled, without refreshing the page.

Is this possible ?

It does work if my form has a action page. but I dont want that

Form Submit:

       $(document).ready(function() {

   function sendForm() {
});// end of submit 
$( '#paForm' ).each(function(){
      this.reset(); // end of reset 
return false

Disable Submit Button until all fields have been validated

       $(document).ready(function() {
       $form = $('#paForm'); // cache
       $form.find(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true); // disable submit btn
      $form.find(':input').change(function() { // monitor all inputs for changes
    var disable = false;
       $form.find(':input').not('[type="submit"]').each(function(i, el) { // test all inputs for values
            if ($.trim(el.value) === '') {
            disable = true; // disable submit if any of them are still blank

I am using a jquery function to post my values to a database. My form does not have a action.


Here is the jsfiddle page, which shows my issue.


1 回答 1


Why not disable the button after submit?

You already have the submission function in place:

function sendForm() {
 });// end of submit 
 $( '#paForm' ).each(function(){
  this.reset(); // end of reset 
 return false;

Extend with a call to the submit button to disable it:

function sendForm() {
 });// end of submit 
 $( '#paForm' ).each(function(){
  this.reset(); // end of reset 
 $("#paForm").find(':input[type="submit"]').prop('disabled', true); 
 return false;

That should disable the button after each submit.

Unrelated but something you may want to look into are the jQuery JavaScript Style Guides and cleanup some of your code.

于 2013-10-25T18:09:59.717 回答