我是 ldap 和 apacheds 的新手。我已经使用 apacheds 创建了嵌入式 LDAP 服务器。这里的例子。但是看到下面的问题。我是否创建了错误的分区?它会是什么样子?ldif 文件有什么变化吗?
导入 ldif 文件时看到的错误:
org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapNoSuchAttributeException: ERR_04269 ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID samaccountname 不存在!
ldif 文件:
dn: cn=Foo Bar,ou=people,o=foo,cn=ldaplookup,ou=dev,dc=foo,dc=bar
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Foo Bar
sn: foo_bar
givenName: Foo
name: Foo Bar
displayName: Foo, Bar
sAMAccountName: foo_bar
userPrincipalName: foo_bar@foo.chicago.com
mail: mail_foo@foo.com
11:19:12.622 [ATDD] [main] ERROR o.a.d.s.c.p.i.b.AbstractBTreePartition - ATDD - Cannot initialize the index for AttributeType userprincipalname, this value does not exist
11:19:12.622 [ATDD] [main] ERROR o.a.d.s.c.p.i.b.AbstractBTreePartition - ATDD - Cannot initialize the index for AttributeType user, this value does not exist
11:19:12.622 [ATDD] [main] ERROR o.a.d.s.c.p.i.b.AbstractBTreePartition - ATDD - Cannot initialize the index for AttributeType samaccountname, this value does not exist