我安装了 zeus,(将其包含在 Gemfile 中,因为我需要将其用于防护)。现在我用 zeus freeze 运行的每个命令。如果我杀死 zeus,该命令将中止并给出以下错误

 zeusclient.go:86: EOF

运行bundle exec guard -d给出以下输出

    Guard uses Libnotify to send notifications.
    Guard is now watching at '/home/pubudu/Projects/slnyaa-core'
    DEBUG (20:19:31): Command execution: hash stty
    DEBUG (20:19:31): Hook :start_begin executed for Guard::RSpec
    Guard::RSpec is running
    Running all specs
    DEBUG (20:19:31): Command execution: rspec --help
    DEBUG (20:19:31): Command execution: zeus rspec -f progress -r /home/pubudu/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247/gems/guard-rspec-2.5.4/lib/guard/rspec/formatter.rb -f Guard::RSpec::Formatter --failure-exit-code 2 spec 
    zeusclient.go:86: EOF
    DEBUG (20:21:26): Command execution: hash stty
    DEBUG (20:21:26): Start interactor
    [Listen warning]:
    The blocking parameter of Listen::Listener#start is deprecated.
    Please use Listen::Adapter#start for a non-blocking listener and Listen::Listener#start! for a blocking one.
    > DEBUG (20:26:07): Stop interactor
    DEBUG (20:26:07): Command execution: hash stty
    DEBUG (20:26:07): Command execution: hash stty
    DEBUG (20:26:07): Start interactor
    > DEBUG (20:26:11): Stop interactor
    DEBUG (20:26:11): Command execution: hash stty
    DEBUG (20:26:11): Hook :stop_begin executed for Guard::RSpec
    Bye bye...



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