我在我的网站上嵌入了 Soundcloud 小部件: http ://www.jackcarnoldmusic.co.uk/music/
…但是,在 Safari 6.1(最新版本)上,没有音频播放。没有返回错误,时间计数器和播放光标移动,但没有声音。在其他浏览器(包括 IOS7)中加载的相同页面可以正常工作。Safari 6.1 正在做什么来停止音频,我该如何绕过它?
我在我的网站上嵌入了 Soundcloud 小部件: http ://www.jackcarnoldmusic.co.uk/music/
…但是,在 Safari 6.1(最新版本)上,没有音频播放。没有返回错误,时间计数器和播放光标移动,但没有声音。在其他浏览器(包括 IOS7)中加载的相同页面可以正常工作。Safari 6.1 正在做什么来停止音频,我该如何绕过它?
Safari - 首选项 - 高级 -未选中Internet 插件(停止插件以节省电量)
使用嵌入式 Soundcloud 小部件重新加载了我的页面,我现在可以播放音频。
这个新的 Safari 功能会导致其他插件也有类似的问题。不知道苹果有时在想什么……
It's a problem of Safari Power Saver. SoundCloud uses Flash to play audio, but puts it somewhere it in the page making Safari think it's not an important Flash instance (it's not front and center) so it must be blocked to save power. Unfortunately SoundCloud also visually hides Flash, making it impossible to click on it, therefore making it impossible for Safari to put it in the Power Saver whitelist. Also unfortunately, there is no way to add more websites to that list from Safari.
Fortunately though, it was easy enough to create a tool that fixes that. So here is Safari Power Saver Whitelister. It adds any website you want to the Safari Power Saver whitelist. Just click Run in the AppleScript Editor.