我正在尝试在我的 .Net Web 应用程序中访问 google DFA API。我在 web.config 文件中提供了所有重要信息。即
` https://code.google.com/p/google-api-dfa-dotnet/wiki/HowToUseADfaUser 了解详情。
You can refer to
for detailed explanation of each configuration key.
<!-- Settings related to SOAP logging. -->
This section contains the settings specific to the Google's DoubleClick
for Advertisers API DotNet Client Library. You can use the App.config /
Web.config for quickly configuring and running a simple application.
However, it is not mandatory to provide your settings in the config file,
you may also set or override these settings at runtime. See
for details.
You can refer to
for detailed explanation of each configuration key.
--><!-- Settings related to SOAP logging. --><add key="LogPath" value="C:\Logs\Dfa\" />
<add key="LogToFile" value="false" />
<add key="MaskCredentials" value="true" />
<add key="LogErrorsOnly" value="true" />
<!-- Settings related to general library behaviour. -->
<!-- Use this key to automatically retry a call that failed due to a
recoverable error like expired credentials. -->
<!-- Settings related to general library behaviour. --><!-- Use this key to automatically retry a call that failed due to a
recoverable error like expired credentials. --><add key="RetryCount" value="1" />
<!-- Set the service timeout in milliseconds. -->
<!-- <add key="Timeout" value="100000"/> -->
<!-- Use this key to enable or disable gzip compression in SOAP requests.-->
<!-- Set the service timeout in milliseconds. --><!-- <add key="Timeout" value="100000"/> --><!-- Use this key to enable or disable gzip compression in SOAP requests.--><add key="EnableGzipCompression" value="true" />
<!-- Proxy settings for library. -->
<!-- Proxy settings for library. --><add key="ProxyServer" value="" />
<add key="ProxyUser" value="" />
<add key="ProxyPassword" value="" />
<add key="ProxyDomain" value="" />
<!-- Settings specific to DFA API. -->
<!-- Set a friendly name to identify your application. -->
<!-- Settings specific to DFA API. --><!-- Set a friendly name to identify your application. --><add key="ApplicationName" value="My App" />
<!--Uncomment this key if you want to use DFA test environment.-->
<add key="DfaApi.Server" value="https://advertisersapitest.doubleclick.net"/>
<!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use DFA beta environment. -->
<!-- <add key="DfaApi.Server" value="http://betaadvertisersapi.doubleclick.net"/> -->
<!-- Set the Authorization method to be used with the client library. -->
<!-- To use LoginService as authentication mechanism, uncomment the following
section and comment the OAuth2 section below. -->
<!--<add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="LoginService" />
<add key="DfaUserName" value="" />
<add key="DfaPassword" value="" />-->
<!-- Uncomment this key if you want to reuse an authToken returned by
LoginRemoteService multiple times. -->
<!-- <add key="DfaAuthToken" value="ENTER_YOUR_DFA_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE"/> -->
<!-- Settings specific to use OAuth2 as authentication mechanism. You could
run Common\Util\OAuth2TokenGenerator.cs to generate this section of the
config file.
<!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use DFA test environment. --> <!--<add key="DfaApi.Server" value="https://advertisersapitest.doubleclick.net"/>--> <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use DFA beta environment. --><!-- <add key="DfaApi.Server" value="http://betaadvertisersapi.doubleclick.net"/> --><!-- Set the Authorization method to be used with the client library. --><!-- To use LoginService as authentication mechanism, uncomment the following
section and comment the OAuth2 section below. --><!--<add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="OAuth2" />-->
<!-- Provide the OAuth2 client ID and secret. You can create one from
https://code.google.com/apis/console/. See
for more details.
<add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="OAuth2" />
<add key="OAuth2Mode" value="APPLICATION" />
<add key="OAuth2ClientId" value="741571964664-m4kpcsris5s0g6meufb4jofria0fm6s2.apps.googleusercontent.com" />
<add key="OAuth2ClientSecret" value="xqYh16LPvixcdk-BS3M9gZLw" />
<add key="DfaAuthToken" value="AIzaSyDjLEiomKRThlJExMDra-Ck7qvZWJNK-3M"/>
<add key="OAuth2RefreshToken" value="1/fKT0ObQy19dmZA51zVJDMtv2IeaGCGaS9rlTkCDPfeA" />
<add key="OAuth2RedirectUri" value="https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground" />
<add key="DfaUserName" value="My_DFA_UserName" />
<add key="DfaPassword" value="My_DFA_Password" />
<!-- The following OAuth2 settings are optional. -->
<!-- Provide a different OAuth2 scope if required. Multiple scopes should be
separated by spaces. -->
<!-- <add key="OAuth2Scope" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_SCOPE_HERE" /> -->
<!-- Use the following keys if you want to use Web / Installed application
OAuth flow.-->
<!-- <add key="OAuth2Mode" value="APPLICATION" /> -->
<!-- If you have only a single sount, then you can run
OAuth2TokenGenerator.cs to generate a RefreshToken for that account and
set this key in your application's App.config / Web.config. If you are
making calls to multiple accounts, then you need to implement OAuth2
flow in your account and set this key at runtime. See OAuth folder
under Examples folder for a web and a console application example.
<!-- <add key="OAuth2RefreshToken" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN_HERE" /> -->
<!-- Optional: Specify an OAuth2 redirect url if you are building a
web application and implementing OAuth2 web flow in your application.
<!-- <add key="OAuth2RedirectUri" value="" /> -->
<!-- Use the following keys if you want to use OAuth2 service account flow.
You should comment out all the keys for Web / Installed application
OAuth flow above. See
and https://code.google.com/p/google-api-dfp-dotnet/wiki/UsingOAuth
for more details.
<add key="OAuth2Mode" value="SERVICE_ACCOUNT" />
<add key="OAuth2ServiceAccountEmail"
<add key="OAuth2PrnEmail" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_USER_EMAIL_HERE" />
<add key="OAuth2JwtCertificatePath"
<add key="OAuth2JwtCertificatePassword"
<!--<add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="LoginService " /><add key="DfaUserName" value="" /><add key="DfaPassword" value="" />--><!-- Uncomment this key if you want to reuse an authToken returned by
LoginRemoteService multiple times. --> <!--<add key="DfaAuthToken" value="AIzaSyDjLEiomKRThlJExMDra-Ck7qvZWJNK-3M"/>--> <!-- Settings specific to use OAuth2 as authentication mechanism. You could
run Common\Util\OAuth2TokenGenerator.cs to generate this section of the
config file.
--> <!--<add key="AuthorizationMethod" value="OAuth2" />--> <!-- Provide the OAuth2 client ID and secret. You can create one from
https://code.google.com/apis/console/. See
for more details.
<!--<add key="OAuth2ClientId" value="741571964664.apps.googleusercontent.com" />
<add key="OAuth2ClientSecret" value="mSU3WGHlwGkDn9IVvGVf-3R0" />-->
<!-- The following OAuth2 settings are optional. --><!-- Provide a different OAuth2 scope if required. Multiple scopes should be
separated by spaces. --><!-- <add key="OAuth2Scope" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_SCOPE_HERE" /> --><!-- Use the following keys if you want to use Web / Installed application
OAuth flow.--><!-- <add key="OAuth2Mode" value="APPLICATION" /> --><!-- If you have only a single account, then you can run
OAuth2TokenGenerator.cs to generate a RefreshToken for that account and
set this key in your application's App.config / Web.config. If you are
making calls to multiple accounts, then you need to implement OAuth2
flow in your account and set this key at runtime. See OAuth folder
under Examples folder for a web and a console application example.
--> <!-- Optional: Specify an OAuth2 redirect url if you are building a
web application and implementing OAuth2 web flow in your application.
--><!-- <add key="OAuth2RedirectUri" value="" /> --><!-- Use the following keys if you want to use OAuth2 service account flow.
You should comment out all the keys for Web / Installed application
OAuth flow above. See
and https://code.google.com/p/google-api-dfp-dotnet/wiki/UsingOAuth
for more details.
<add key="OAuth2Mode" value="SERVICE_ACCOUNT" />
<add key="OAuth2ServiceAccountEmail"
<add key="OAuth2PrnEmail" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_USER_EMAIL_HERE" />
<add key="OAuth2JwtCertificatePath"
<add key="OAuth2JwtCertificatePassword"
<add type="Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.SoapListenerExtension, Google.Ads.Common" priority="1" group="0" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpWebRequest maximumErrorResponseLength="-1" />
<system.diagnostics><sources><source name="AdsClientLibs.DeprecationMessages" switchName="AdsClientLibs.DeprecationMessages" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch"><listeners><add name="myListener" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="Application" /></listeners></source></sources><switches><!-- Use this trace switch to control the deprecation trace messages
written by Ads* .NET libraries. The default is level is set to
Warning. To disable all messages, set this value to Off. See
for all possible values this key can take. --><add name="AdsClientLibs.DeprecationMessages" value="Warning" /></switches></system.diagnostics></configuration>
and my code snippet is `
public override AdvertiserRecordSet Run(DfaUser user)
// Create AdvertiserRemoteService instance.
AdvertiserRemoteService service = (AdvertiserRemoteService)user.GetService(DfaService.v1_19.AdvertiserRemoteService);
String searchString = _T("");
// Create advertiser search criteria structure.
AdvertiserSearchCriteria advSearchCriteria = new AdvertiserSearchCriteria();
advSearchCriteria.pageSize = 10;
advSearchCriteria.searchString = searchString;
string str = service.RequestHeader.TargetNamespace.ToString();
// Get advertiser record set.
AdvertiserRecordSet recordSet = service.getAdvertisers(advSearchCriteria);
// Display advertiser names, ids and spotlight configuration ids.
if (recordSet.records != null)
foreach (Advertiser result in recordSet.records)
//Console.WriteLine("Advertiser with name \"{0}\", id \"{1}\", and spotlight " +
// "configuration id \"{2}\" was found.", result.name, result.id, result.spotId);
return recordSet;
Console.WriteLine("No advertisers found for your criteria.");
catch (Exception ex)
// Console.WriteLine("Failed to retrieve advertisers. Exception says \"{0}\"", ex.Message);
return null;
I am stuck here.Please help to find out the solution.