以上所有答案都对我有帮助,但我最终需要在编译每种风味的调试 + 发布版本之前运行一个脚本。脚本的第一个参数采用风味名称。
为了尽早触发此触发器,但在创建特定风味任务之后,关键是将dependsOn 绑定到generateMyflavorDebugBuildConfig。
这是我最终得到的脚本,可以放在 app/build.gradle 的底部
// When a task is active, loop through all app flavors, and see if the
// task.name matches the earliest task we can set up the dependsOn
// loop through all flavors, and create a task that does the work we want to do
// before anything else
android.productFlavors.all { flavor ->
task("${flavor.name}RunCommandBefore", type: Exec) {
workingDir "$projectDir/../.."
commandLine 'sh', 'scripts/run_thing.sh', "${flavor.name}"
// when tasks created, loop through and as early as we can, bind the
// RunCommandBefore task we created above
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
def taskName = task.name
// loop through all flavors
android.productFlavors.all { flavor ->
def flavorName = flavor.name
// loop through release types so that this happens for debug and release
['debug', 'release'].each { releaseType ->
// generateMyflavorDebugBuildConfig is the earliest task we're able
// to set up the dependsOn to make sure that our script runs
if (taskName.toLowerCase() == "generate${flavorName.toLowerCase()}${releaseType}buildconfig") {
// now myflavorRunCommandBefore will run before
// generateMyflavorDebugBuildConfig
tasks."$taskName".dependsOn "${flavorName}RunCommandBefore"
希望这对某人有帮助!令人惊讶的是,Android 首先运行一个简单的脚本是多么困难......