There are multiple rows in my development AppEngine Datastore admin interface with the same key: agpiYW5rLXJlY29uchULEghPbml4TWFpbBiAgICAgIDiCAw. The rows are on Page 2 and Page 3. I used CTRL-F to find them. How is this possible?


Key                                             WriteOps ID/Name          date                         from
agpiYW5rLXJlY29uchULEghPbml4TWFpbBiAgICAgIDICAw 16       4820258976169984 Wed Oct 23 22:00:54 EDT 2013 me@me.com
agpiYW5rLXJlY29uchULEghPbml4TWFpbBiAgICAgIDiCAw 16       4934608185458688 Thu Oct 24 14:42:16 EDT 2013 email@email.com

I use the key to load and query for items, and if that is not really the key then I have a lot of work to do.


SDK v1.8.5


1 回答 1


This are base64 encoded keys and the two that you list are not the same - difference is in the capital I and lower-case i (fourth char from the end). Ctrl-f search in browsers does case-insensitive search, so this two showed as the same.

于 2013-10-24T19:20:09.037 回答