如何使用 awk 或 sed 将 mysql.log 重新格式化为简单格式?


131024 13:17:40     1 Query select * from test_numbers
            1 Query select
from test_numbers AS n
limit 0, 50
            1 Query select
FROM test_numbers
            1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:17:50     1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select * from test_numbers
            1 Query select
from test_numbers AS n
limit 0, 50
            1 Query select
FROM test_numbers
            1 Query SHOW STATUS


131024 13:17:40     1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:17:40     1 Query select  n.id,  n.name,  n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:17:40     1 Query select  count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:17:40     1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:17:50     1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select   n.id,  n.name,  n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select  count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:18:00     1 Query SHOW STATUS

当多行“查询”连接到 1 行时。


sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n(^(([0-9]+\t[0-9:]+)|(\t\t[0-9:]+)))/ \1/g' mysql.log
awk '/^(([0-9]+ [0-9:]+)|(\t\t[0-9:]+))/{print "";next}{printf $0}END{print "";}' mysql.log



5 回答 5



awk '{$1=$1} /Query/ && s {print s;s=""} /^[0-9][0-9]/ {s=$0;f=$1 " " $2} /^[0-9]+ Query/ {s=f " "$0} !/Query/ {s=s " " $0} END {print s}' t
131024 13:17:40 1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:17:40 1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:17:40 1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:17:40 1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:17:50 1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:18:00 1 Query SHOW STATUS


awk '
    $1=$1           # reset all spacing to one space
    /Query/ && s {  # If line has name "Query" and "s" is true (to prevent fist line double"
        print s     # print s
        s=""        # reset s
    /^[0-9][0-9]/ { # if line starts with number
        s=$0        # save line in s
        f=$1 " " $2 # save date time to f
    /^[0-9]+ Query/ {   # if line starts with "number + Query"
        s=f " "$0   # set s date time + line
    !/Query/ {      # If line does not have "Query"
        s=s " " $0  # extend s with line
    END {
    print s}        # print last line
    ' file
于 2013-10-24T16:41:27.213 回答



## A line with the timestamp. Get it and remove from the line for further processing.
$1 ~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/ && $2 ~ /^[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}:[[:digit:]]{2}$/ {
    timestamp = $1 " " $2
    $1 = $2 = ""

## A line that points to the beginning of a query. Print the previous one 
## saved in "q" variable and begin to save the current one.
$0 ~ /\<[[:digit:]]+[[:blank:]]Query\>/ {
    if ( q ) { 
        printf "%s\t%s\n", timestamp, q
        q = ""
    sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/, "") 
    q = $0

## A line that is a continuation of a query. Save its content removing leading
## and trailing spaces.
    sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/, "") 
    sub(/[[:blank:]]+$/, "") 
    q = q " " $0

## Don't forget the last query when file ends.
    if ( q ) { 
        printf "%s\t%s\n", timestamp, q
        q = ""


awk -f script.awk infile


131024 13:17:40 1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:17:40 1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:17:40 1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:17:50 1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00 1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:18:00 1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:18:00 1 Query SHOW STATUS
于 2013-10-24T16:57:38.140 回答
$ cat tst.awk
/[[:digit:]]+ +Query/ {
    if (rec) print rec

    if ( match($0,/^[[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]:]+ +/) ) {
        ts = substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
    else {
        sub(/^ +/,ts)

    rec = $0

{ sub(/^ +/,""); rec = rec OFS $0 }

END { if (rec) print rec }

$ awk -f tst.awk file
131024 13:17:40     1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:17:40     1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:17:40     1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:17:40     1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:17:50     1 Query SHOW STATUS
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select * from test_numbers
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select n.id, n.name, n.value from test_numbers AS n limit 0, 50
131024 13:18:00     1 Query select count(*) FROM test_numbers
131024 13:18:00     1 Query SHOW STATUS
于 2013-10-24T19:15:41.030 回答

这可能对您有用(GNU sed):

sed -r ':a;$!N;/^((\S{6} ..:..:..\s*)(\S+ \S+).*\n)\s*\3/{s//\1\2\3/;P;D};/^\S{6} ..:..:...*\n\S{6} ..:..:../{P;D};s/\n\s*/ /;ta' file
于 2013-10-24T23:04:38.877 回答

谢谢大家!我修改了 Ed Morton 提出的原始脚本,因为 mysql.log 的制表符和空格杂乱无章。此外,日期字段被重新格式化。谢谢你们,伙计们!埃德,乔特内,比雷。

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19571592/reformat-mysql-log-to-simple-format-using-awk-or-sed/19578281?noredirect=1#19578281
# modified from the original proposed by Ed Morton
# Mysql logs some commands: Connect, Quit, Query, Init DB
/[[:digit:]]+ +(Quit|Connect|Query|Init DB)/ {
    if (rec){
     print rec


    #replace whitespace to tab in "transaction_id command"
    $0=gensub(/([[:digit:]]+) +(Quit|Connect|Query|Init DB)/, "\\1\t\\2\t", "g")

    if ( match($0,  /^([[:digit:]]+ +[[:digit:]:]+ )/) ) {
    #ts holds "YYMMDD". now, reformat to "YYYY-MM-DD"
    ts = "20" substr($0, 0, 2) "-" substr($0, 3, 2) "-" substr($0, 5, 2) substr($0, 7, 9)
        #sub(/^\t+/,ts OFS)
        sub(/^([[:digit:]]+ +[[:digit:]:]+ )/, ts "\t")
    else {
        sub(/^  /,ts "\t")

    rec = $0

{ sub(/^ +/,""); rec = rec OFS $0 }

END { if (rec) print rec }

# convert whitespaces to tabs in the "line"
function cleanTabs(line){
    gsub(/\t/, " ", line)
    return line  
于 2013-10-29T15:25:26.593 回答