public static Nullable<R> GetValue<T, R>(this T a, Expression<Func<T, R>> expression)
where T : Attribute
where R : struct
if (a == null)
return null;
PropertyInfo p = GetProperty(expression);
if (p == null)
return null;
return (R)p.GetValue(a, null);
//I don't throw exceptions for invalid or missing calls
//because I want to chain the calls together:
int maximumLength4 = instance.GetProperty(x => x.ToString())
.GetValue(x => x.MaximumLength)
//I'd like to use the GetValue generic method with strings as well as integers
string erroMessage = instance.GetProperty(x => x.ToString())
.GetValue(x => x.ErrorMessage);
无法隐式转换类型“字符串?” 到“字符串”
//public string Name { get; set; }
PropertyInfo info = ReflectionAPI.GetProperty<Organisation, String>(x => x.Name);//not null
StringLengthAttribute attr = info.GetAttribute<StringLengthAttribute>();//not null
int? maximumLength = attr.GetValue(x => x.MaximumLength);//256
int? minimumLength = attr.GetValue(x => x.MinimumLength);//0
PropertyInfo info2 = ReflectionAPI.GetProperty<Organisation, int>(x => x.ID);//not null
StringLengthAttribute attr2 = info2.GetAttribute<StringLengthAttribute>();//null because ID doesn't have the attribute
int? maximumLength2 = attr2.GetValue(x => x.MaximumLength);//null
int? minimumLength2 = attr2.GetValue(x => x.MinimumLength);//null
//I can use the GetProperty extension method on an instance
Organisation instance = (Organisation)null;
PropertyInfo info3 = instance.GetProperty(x => x.ToString());//null because its a method call not a property
StringLengthAttribute attr3 = info3.GetAttribute<StringLengthAttribute>();//null
int? maximumLength3 = attr3.GetValue(x => x.MaximumLength);//null
int? minimumLength3 = attr3.GetValue(x => x.MinimumLength);//null
public static class ReflectionAPI
public static Nullable<R> GetValue<T, R>(this T a, Expression<Func<T, R>> expression)
where T : Attribute
if (a == null)
return null;
PropertyInfo p = GetProperty(expression);
if (p == null)
return null;
return (R)p.GetValue(a, null);
public static T GetAttribute<T>(this PropertyInfo p) where T : Attribute
if (p == null)
return null;
return p.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<T>().LastOrDefault();
public static PropertyInfo GetProperty<T, R>(Expression<Func<T, R>> expression)
if (expression == null)
return null;
MemberExpression memberExpression = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
if (memberExpression == null)
return null;
return memberExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;