我正在开发一个 jQuery 验证“插件”(还不是一个插件),它使用我的 Zend_Form 验证器在客户端提交之前验证字段,所以我只需要指定一次而不是两次(Zend Validators + jQuery例如,验证插件)。
我存储每个字段的验证 AJAX 请求,然后等待它们完成,然后读取结果并显示或不显示错误消息。
在函数内部创建一个return true
$(function() {
var form = $('form'); // target form
var requests = [], validations = []; // used to store async requests and their results
var nbInputs = $('input[type="text"], input[type="password"]').length; // number of inputs we want to check in the form
var cancelSubmit = true; // skip validation flag
form.submit(function( ) {
// if we call the submit inside the function, skip validation and do submit the form
if(cancelSubmit === false) {
console.log('[-] cancelSubmit is false. Validation skipped.');
return true;
console.log('[-] Entering validation');
// resetting requests and validations
requests.length = 0;
validations.length = 0;
// for each input (text/password), storing the validation request
$('input[type="text"], input[type="password"]').each(function(i) {
var validatorField = $(this).attr('data-validator');
var valueField = $(this).val();
postData = {
validator: validatorField,
value: valueField
// storing requests into an array
requests.push($.post('/validate', postData));
(function($) {
$.whenAll = function() {
return $.when.apply($, arguments);
// when all the requests are done and returned a response
$.whenAll(requests).then(function() {
// show the validation status for each input
$.each(requests, function(i, element) {
element.done(function(data) {
// response is formatted like this
// { valid: 1 } or { valid: 0, message:"This is the error message" }
json = $.parseJSON(data);
formGroup = $('input:eq('+i+')').parent();
// if it isn't valid, show error and store result
if(json.valid == 0) {
if($('span.help-block', formGroup).length == 0) {
$(formGroup).addClass('has-error').append('<span class="help-block">'+json.message+'</span>');
$('label', formGroup).addClass('control-label');
// else, remove error (if there was) and store the result
else if(json.valid == 1) {
$('.help-block', formGroup).remove();
// if we got all the validations required
if(validations.length == nbInputs)
console.log('[-] All validations have been done.');
// and if no error ("0") in the results, we resubmit the form with skip-flag
if($.inArray(0, validations) == -1){
console.log('[-] No errors. Submitting form.');
cancelSubmit = false;
console.log('[-] There is still errors.');
// there are errors, so we won't submit the form
if(cancelSubmit === true)
return false;