Say I have two series in pandas, series A and series B. How do I create a dataframe in which all of those values are multiplied together, i.e. with series A down the left hand side and series B along the top. Basically the same concept as this, where series A would be the yellow on the left and series B the yellow along the top, and all the values in between would be filled in by multiplication:


Sorry, should probably have added that my two series are not the same length. I'm getting an error now that 'matrices are not aligned' so I assume that's the problem.


5 回答 5


您可以使用矩阵乘法点,但在必须将 Series 转换为 DataFrame 之前(因为 Series上的 dot 方法实现了点积):

>>> B = pd.Series(range(1, 5))
>>> A = pd.Series(range(1, 5))
>>> dfA = pd.DataFrame(A)
>>> dfB = pd.DataFrame(B)
>>> dfA.dot(dfB.T)
   0  1   2   3
0  1  2   3   4
1  2  4   6   8
2  3  6   9  12
3  4  8  12  16
于 2013-10-24T16:26:03.457 回答

您可以通过将行(或列)的每个值与其他系列广播来将两个长度不等的系列相乘来创建一个 DataFrame。例如:

> row = pd.Series(np.arange(1, 6), index=np.arange(1, 6))
> col = pd.Series(np.arange(1, 4), index=np.arange(1, 4))
> row.apply(lambda r: r * col)
   1   2   3
1  1   2   3
2  2   4   6
3  3   6   9
4  4   8  12
5  5  10  15
于 2016-05-11T23:12:39.190 回答

首先创建一个 1 的 DataFrame。然后依次沿每个轴广播乘法。

>>> s1 = Series([1,2,3,4,5])
>>> s2 = Series([10,20,30])
>>> df = DataFrame(1, index=s1.index, columns=s2.index)
>>> df
   0  1  2
0  1  1  1
1  1  1  1
2  1  1  1
3  1  1  1
4  1  1  1
>>>> df.multiply(s1, axis='index') * s2
    0    1    2
0  10   20   30
1  20   40   60
2  30   60   90
3  40   80  120
4  50  100  150

您需要使用df.multiply以指定该系列将与行索引对齐。您可以将普通乘法运算符*与 s2 一起使用,因为在列上匹配是在 DataFrame 和 Series 之间进行乘法的默认方式。

于 2015-04-16T22:00:36.567 回答

所以我认为如果你有两个不同长度的系列,这可能会让你大部分时间到达那里。这似乎是一个非常手动的过程,但我想不出另一种使用pandas或 NumPy 函数的方法。

>>>> a = Series([1, 3, 3, 5, 5])
>>>> b = Series([5, 10])

首先将您的值转换为 DataFrame 并以新a的形式复制此 Series ,与中的值一样多series 。b

>>>> result = DataFrame(a)
>>>> for i in xrange(len(b)):
            result[i] = a
   0   1
0  1   1
1  3   3
2  3   3
3  5   5
4  5   5

b然后,您可以通过 DataFrame广播您的系列result

>>>> result = result.mul(b)
   0   1
0  5   10
1  15  30
2  15  30
3  25  50
4  25  50


>>>> result.columns = b
>>>> result.set_index(a)
   5   10
1  5   10
3  15  30
3  15  30
5  25  50
5  25  50


>>>> result.loc[3]
   5   10
3  15  30
3  15  30
于 2014-12-15T21:56:39.817 回答

为了使用 DataFrame.dot 方法,您需要转置其中一个系列:

>>> a = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> b = pd.Series([10, 20, 30])
>>> a.to_frame().dot(b.to_frame().transpose())
    0   1   2
0  10  20  30
1  20  40  60
2  30  60  90
3  40  80 120


于 2021-07-13T19:34:58.617 回答