I have created a table valued return function which returns me a table . here is call of my function as follow

SELECT * FROM dbo.[StateFixedTaxesCalculation](3020,16,1,1006)

and its working OK for me , now i want to use this function call in a select statment , so i can pass 16 which is basically employeeId dynamically.

So i have decided to use inner join with table returned by that function . Like this

SELECT * FROM Employee as E
INNER JOIN  dbo.[StateFixedTaxesCalculation](3020,16,1,1006) as TC   ON TC.EmployeeId=E.EmployeeId

but now how can i pass 16 as dynamic value of all employeeId one by one .


1 回答 1


使用outer/cross apply

select *
from Employee as E
    cross apply dbo.[StateFixedTaxesCalculation](3020, E.EmployeeId, 1, 1006) as TC

如果您仍然需要过滤TC.EmployeeId = E.EmployeeId,您可以使用子查询执行此操作:

select *
from Employee as E
    cross apply (
        select TT.*
        from dbo.[StateFixedTaxesCalculation](3020, E.EmployeeId, 1, 1006) as TT
        where TT.EmployeeId = E.EmployeeId
    ) as TC
于 2013-10-24T08:15:36.817 回答