我有一个经典的 ASP网站要更新。我面临着奇怪的问题。每当我插入或更新记录时,它都会给我500 (Internal Server) Error。我从服务器中删除了旧数据库并上传了我的数据库,这可能是问题吗?


当我使用gConn.Execute(str_Qry)它会导致错误。有任何想法吗 ?


    dim ConnectionString
    ConnectionString ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("/Database/MyDB.mdb")        
    '*** Local Connection ***
    'ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Data Source=(local)"

    Set gCn = server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
    gCn.Open ConnectionString           
    Set Session("Conn") = gCn   

    sub closeConnection
        IF gConn.state=adStateOpen Then
            set gConn=nothing
            set session("Conn")=""
        End IF
    End sub

    if ubound(strjj)>1 then
    end if  

    Function IsZilch(v)
        IsZilch = True

        If VarType(v) = 0 Or VarType(v) = 1 Then Exit Function
        If IsNull(v) Then Exit Function
        If (v & "") = "" Then Exit Function

        IsZilch = False
    End Function

    Function SQLFix(s)
        If IsZilch(s) Then SQLFix = "" : Exit Function
        SQLFix = Trim(Replace(s, "'", "''"))
    End Function

    Sub RW(s)
    End Sub
    Sub RWE(s)
    End Sub

    Sub RWjs(s)
        Response.Write("<script language=javascript>" & s &"</script>")
    End Sub

    Function ConvDate(strDate, strFormat)
    'Following are the pattern for date formating
    '   %m Month as a decimal no. 02
    '   %b Abbreviated month name Feb
    '   %B Full month name February
    '   %d Day of the month 23
    '   %j Day of the year 54
    '   %y Year without century 98
    '   %Y Year with century 1998
    '   %w Weekday as integer 5 (0 is Sunday)
    '   %a Abbreviated day name Fri
    '   %A Weekday Name Friday
    '   %I Hour in 12 hour format 12
    '   %H Hour in 24 hour format 24
    '   %M Minute as an integer 01
    '   %S Second as an integer 55
    '   %P AM/PM Indicator PM
    '   %% Actual Percent sign %%   
       Dim intPosItem
       Dim intHourPart
       Dim strHourPart
       Dim strMinutePart
       Dim strSecondPart
       Dim strAMPM

       If not IsDate(strDate) Then
          ConvDate = strDate
          Exit Function
       End If

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          DatePart("m",strDate) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),True) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),False) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          DatePart("d",strDate) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          DatePart("y",strDate) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          Right(DatePart("yyyy",strDate),2) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          DatePart("yyyy",strDate) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          DatePart("w",strDate,1) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),True) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),False) & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          intHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate) mod 12
          if intHourPart = 0 then intHourPart = 12
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          intHourPart & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate)
          if strHourPart < 10 Then strHourPart = "0" & strHourPart
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          strHourPart & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strMinutePart = DatePart("n",strDate)
          if strMinutePart < 10 then strMinutePart = "0" & strMinutePart
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          strMinutePart & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strSecondPart = DatePart("s",strDate)
          if strSecondPart < 10 then strSecondPart = "0" & strSecondPart
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & _
          strSecondPart & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          if DatePart("h",strDate) >= 12 then
             strAMPM = "PM"
             strAMPM = "AM"
          End If
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & strAMPM & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")

       intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")
       Do While intPosItem > 0
          strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & "%" & _
          Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
          intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")

       ConvDate = strFormat

    End Function

    Sub ASPEmailSendMail(sToAddress,sFromAddress,sFromName,sSubject,sBody,sAttachment)
        Dim objAspEmail 
        Set objAspEmail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
        objAspEmail.Host = "localhost"      'Out going SMTP mail server address
        objAspEmail.From = sFromAddress     'Who the e-mail is from

        If sFromName <> "" Then
            objAspEmail.FromName = sFromName 
        End If

        objAspEmail.AddAddress sToAddress   'Who the e-mail is sent to
        objAspEmail.Subject = sSubject      'The subject of the e-mail
        objAspEmail.IsHTML = true
        objAspEmail.Body = sBody            'The main body of the e-mail
        If sAttachment<>"" Then
            'objAspEmail.AddAttachment sAttachment  'Attachment of the e-mail           
        End If

        'Send the e-mail

        If NOT sMailServer = "" Then objAspEmail.Send           
            Set objAspEmail = Nothing
            'ASPEmailSendMail = True
    End Sub

    Sub CDOSendEmail(sName,sEmail,tEmail,sSubject,sHTMLMessage,sAttachment)
        '======== These constants can't be modified. =================
        Const cdoSendUsingMethod = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing"
        Const cdoSendUsingPort   = 2
        Const cdoSMTPServer      = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver"
        Const cdoSMTPServerPort  = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport"
        Const cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout  = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout"
        Const cdoSMTPAuthenticate       = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate"
        Const cdoBasic                  = 1
        Const cdoAnonymous              = 0
        Const cdoSendUserName           = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername"
        Const cdoSendPassword           = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword"


        '=============== Declare Variables ============================
        Dim objConfig  ' As CDO.Configuration
        Dim objMessage ' As CDO.Message
        Dim Fields     ' As ADODB.Fields

        Dim sToName,sToEmail,sHTMLBody,sTextBody

        '================= Set object properties for IIS SMTP ==========

        Set objConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
        Set Fields = objConfig.Fields

        With Fields
            .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod)       = cdoSendUsingPort
            .Item(cdoSMTPServer)            = "mail.staffavailable.com"
            .Item(cdoSMTPServerPort)        = 25
            .Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10
        '   .Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate)      = cdoBasic
            .Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate)      = cdoAnonymous
        '   .Item(cdoSendUserName)          = "dbarry@Concierge"
        '   .Item(cdoSendPassword)          = "samson"
        End With

        Set objMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        Set objMessage.Configuration = objConfig

        sHTMLBody       = "<html><body>" & vbcrlf
        sHTMLBody = sHTMLBody & sHTMLMessage
        sHTMLBody = sHTMLBody & "</body></html>"

        With objMessage
            .To         = tEmail
            .From       = sName & " <" & sEmail & ">"
            .Subject    = sSubject
            .HTMLBody   = sHTMLMessage
            '.TextBody  = sHTMLMessage
            IF sAttachment<>"" Then
                .AddAttachment sAttachment
            End IF
        End With

        Set Fields = Nothing
        Set objMessage = Nothing
        Set objConfig = Nothing
    End Sub

1 回答 1


除了我评论中的问题,我敢打赌,如果错误仅在替换数据库文件后才开始,这将是一个权限问题,并且 IUSER 帐户没有对 .mdb 文件的写入权限。


于 2013-10-24T12:59:03.217 回答