ETL Question here.
For a given table that includes entries with a start and end date, what is the optimal method to retrieve counts for each day, including those days that may not have an entry within the scope of the start end date.
Given Table Example
ID StartDate EndDate Category
1 1/1/2013 1/5/2013 Appliances
2 1/1/2013 1/10/2013 Appliances
3 1/2/2013 1/10/2013 Appliances
Output required
Category EventDate Count
Appliances 1/1/2013 2
Appliances 1/2/2013 3
Appliances 1/10/2013 2
Appliances 1/11/2013 0
One method I know of, which takes FOREVER, is to create a Table variable, and run a While Block iterating through the start and end of the range I wish to retrieve, then execute a query like so..
Insert into @TempTable (Category,EventDate,Count)
FROM Stock
Where @CurrentLoopDate BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate
Another method would be to create a table or temp table of dates in the range I want populated, and join it with a BETWEEN function.
Insert into @TempTable (Category,EventDate,Count)
FROM DateTable
INNER JOIN Stock ON DateTable.[Date] BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate
Yet other methods are similar but use SSIS, but essentially are the same as the above two solutions.
Any GURU's know of a more efficient method?