Is there a way of modifying the default asha 1.0 theme for a lwuit app, I have tried altering title area for a form in my app using the following code:

getTitleArea().getStyle().setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);

however it does nothing, this code worked other applications that did not target asha 1.0 platform. Is there a different way of modifying this. Have tried using lwuit resource editor as well,can change different components such as button,form background and others but still it does not change title or softbutton commands which is what I want to change. Please help.


1 回答 1


正如我在其他问题中所说,诺基亚 SDK 中的本机标头不可编辑。您使用的这种方法对修改标题的样式无效,诺基亚 SDK 无权执行此操作。如果您想在您的应用程序中遵循诺基亚指南,您应该按照 SDK 提供的方式保留它。

相反,如果您仍想更改此标头,您可以尝试将您的应用设置为全屏并自行构建自定义标头。请注意,如果这样做,您将失去本机导航。如果您想了解更多信息,请查看 Stackoverflow 中的此处,有很多关于此的问题。在诺基亚开发者论坛中,您可以找到很多关于此的帖子。

于 2013-10-23T22:55:06.150 回答