与 tukey 的 URLrewrite 一起使用时遇到问题。我的要求就像当 url 包含 dev/auth/dev/ 时,应该将其后的内容重定向到另一个 url,包括查询字符串

例如: http://:8080/dev/auth/dev/student/exam 应该重定向到 http://:8080/college/student/exam 如果 url 包含查询字符串,它也应该附加在最后

ex: http://<myhost>:8080/dev/auth/dev/student/exam?internal=mepa&external=pega
should redirect to
my url rewrite looks like
        <to type="permanent-redirect" last="true">%{context-path}/college/$1</to>
this is working fine for with out query strings
request you to help - with the rule for with query strings

我尝试了类似的选项 - 但没有工作

        <condition type="query-string" operator="equal"></condition>
 <to type="permanent-redirect" last="true">%{context-path}/college/$1?%{query-string}</to>

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