
I have used the database mailing system to send the email. But i could not figure our whether the email is sent or not. Is there any system table in sql server 2008 to insert the log whether the mail is sent or not. I want the sent 'email date from' , 'email date to' and Email Sent to. And is there any field that stores the mail sent like 'yes' or 'no'


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数据库邮件外部程序记录活动并通过 Windows 应用程序事件日志和 msdb 数据库中的 sysmail_event_log 视图显示日志。要检查电子邮件的状态,请针对此视图运行查询。电子邮件消息具有四种可能的状态之一:已发送、未发送、重试和失败。


于 2013-10-23T22:25:34.010 回答