I am unclear what the benefits of snippets are, but I was going to publish a script I wrote to TechNet. I finish all the entries and the page tells me: A contribution to the TechNet Script Center Repository must contain a code snippet. Is the PowerShell code not enough? I tried creating snippets in ISE but seems more work than necessary.

Here is the code I put which isn't much at all:

$computers = "<TextFileListofComputerToRunViaPoSh.txt>"

$ADComp = "<OutputFileLocation.txt/.Log>"

Get-Content $computers | Foreach {If (Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -eq $_}) {Add-Content $ADComp "$_ is Enabled $((Get-ADComputer $_).enabled) in Active Directory."} Else {Add-Content $ADComp "Warning!! $_ is not in Active Directory."}}

I noticed there was an insert code section and copying code there allowed me to save and publish my code.


2 回答 2


There is an Insert Code Button which I used to put in my code. After I added code, I did not need to use snippets. My intent was to merely publish my script, not to snippet the work I had done.

于 2013-10-31T20:25:42.070 回答

If it's relatively simple/short, just post the code there. If it a module or function, post an example or two of calling the function or using the functions or cmdlets from the module. Look at some of the other submissions for ideas.

于 2013-10-23T19:56:54.417 回答