I want to print a rows of information onto another sheet. the problem is that the number of rows will always be dynamic never static.
For example:
*A1 = 4
*B1 = Thomas
*C1 = Apples
*A2 = 2
*B2 = Jerry
*C2 = Oranges
*A3 = 1
*B3 = Tiffany
*C3 = Strawberries
What i want is to print these rows along with some string...
so on Sheet 2 startign on A1
I want it to read A1 "A quantity of " & A1 & " must be conumed by " & B1 & " product will be " & C1 & chr(10) "A quantity of 4 must be consumed by Thomas product will be Apples" (a new line after each row)
I don't know how to create a look which will do this so I dont' have to worry about number of rows.