
.has-sidebar-first {
.l-content {
  @include span-columns(15 omega, 16); // Span 15 out of 16 columns.
  @include push(1, 16);  // Push element by adding 1 out of 16 columns of left margin.
.l-region--sidebar-first {
  @include span-columns(1, 16); // Span 1 out of 16 columns.
  @include pull(1, 16); // Pull element by adding 15 out of 16 columns of negative left margin.      


侧边栏优先应该占据第一列,内容应该占据接下来的 15 列。我已经将第 1 列拉到16 列,但它要么不合适,要么完全消失。 布局


更新1:这是完整的scss布局(包括Eric Meyer(他本人!)的建议将侧边栏放在更远的页面左侧。它似乎与l-content的宽度相同。

@import "susy";

// Susy Variables

// Set consistent vertical and horizontal spacing units.
$vert-spacing-unit: 20px;
$horz-spacing-unit: 1em;

// Define Susy grid variables mobile first.
$total-columns: 4;
$column-width: 4em;
$gutter-width: $horz-spacing-unit;
$grid-padding: 5px;

$container-style: magic;
$container-width: 1200px;

// Susy Media Layouts @see http://susy.oddbird.net/guides/reference/#ref-media-layouts
$tab: 44em 12; // At 44em use 12 columns.
$desk: 70em 16; // At 70em use 16 columns.

.l-footer {
  @include container; // Define these elements as the grid containers.
  margin-bottom: $vert-spacing-unit;

.l-region--sidebar-second {
  margin-bottom: $vert-spacing-unit;

@include at-breakpoint($tab) { // At a given Susy Media Layout, use a given amount of columns.
  .l-footer {
    @include set-container-width; // Reset only the container width (elements have already been declared as containers).

  .l-branding {
    @include span-columns(4, 12); // Span 4 out of 12 columns.
    @include span-columns(8 omega, 12); // Span the last (omega) 8 columns of 12.
  .l-region--navigation {
    clear: both;

  .has-two-sidebars {
    .l-content {
      @include span-columns(7, 12); // Span 7 out of 12 columns.
      @include push(1, 12);  // Push element by adding 1 out of 12 columns of left margin.
    .l-region--sidebar-first, {
      @include span-columns(1, 12); // Span the 1 columns of 12.
    .l-region--sidebar-second {
      @include span-columns(4 omega, 12); // Span the last (omega) 4 columns of 12.
    .l-region--sidebar-first {
      @include pull(8, 12); // Pull element by adding 8 out of 12 columns of negative left margin.
    .l-region--sidebar-second {
      clear: right;

@include at-breakpoint($desk) {
  .l-footer {
    @include set-container-width; // Reset only the container width (elements have already been declared as containers).

  .l-branding {
    @include span-columns(6, 16); // Span 6 out of 16 columns.
    @include span-columns(10 omega, 16); // Span the last (omega) 10 columns of 16.

  .has-sidebar-first {
    .l-content {
      @include span-columns(15 omega, 16); // Span 15 out of 16 columns.
    .l-region--sidebar-first {
      @include span-columns(1, 16); // Span 1 out of 16 columns.
  .has-sidebar-second {
    .l-content {
      @include span-columns(12, 16); // Span 12 out of 16 columns.
    .l-region--sidebar-second {
      @include span-columns(4 omega, 16); // Span the last (omega) 4 columns of 16.
      clear: none;

  .has-two-sidebars {
    .l-content {
      @include span-columns(10, 16); // Span 10 out of 16 columns.
      @include push(1, 16);  // Push element by adding 1 out of 16 columns of left margin.
    .l-region--sidebar-first {
      @include span-columns(1, 16); // Span 1 out of 16 columns.
    .l-region--sidebar-second {
      @include span-columns(5, 16); // Span 5 out of 16 columns.
    .l-region--sidebar-first {
      @include pull(11, 16); // Pull element by adding 11 out of 16 columns of negative left margin.
    .l-region--sidebar-second {
      @include omega; // This element spans the last (omega) column.
      clear: none;

.has-two-sidebars按需要工作。我只希望在@include at-breakpoint($desk)时修复.has-sidebar-first。如果设置方式存在固有问题,那么我将不得不更改很多内容,但我希望在没有侧边栏的桌面上查看时简单地更改布局。


更新 2 按照在margin-left: 0;此处添加的建议,它被添加了。

.has-sidebar-first {
.l-content {
  @include span-columns(15 omega, 16); // Span 15 out of 16 columns.
.l-region--sidebar-first {
  @include span-columns(1, 16); // Span 1 out of 16 columns.
  margin-left: 0;


虽然这现在将“侧优先”与正确的列对齐,但它显示在内容下方,如图所示: 移位的侧边栏 其余代码是相同的。两个侧边栏选项仍然正确显示。有什么建议么?

解决方案: 根据 Eric 的建议,我需要清除之前声明的 push and pulls。所以正确的代码是:

.has-sidebar-first {
.l-content {
  @include span-columns(15 omega, 16); // Span 15 out of 16 columns.
  margin-left: 0;
.l-region--sidebar-first {
  @include span-columns(1, 16); // Span 1 out of 16 columns.
  margin-left: 0;



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于 2013-10-24T05:46:48.130 回答