第一种方法将被称为:RestResponse response = myCat.Put<RestResponse>()
//Perform a PUT on the current resource, returning the server response deserialized to a new object of the specified type.</summary>
//<typeparam name="T">The expected type of the resource post response. Use 'IRestResponse' to skip deserializing the request.</typeparam>
public static T Put<T>(this APIResource obj, List<Parameter> parameters = null)
if (parameters == null) parameters = new List<Parameter>();
parameters.Add(new Parameter() { Value = obj, Type = ParameterType.RequestBody });
return RequestHelper<T>(obj.collection_name + "/" + obj.id, Method.PUT, parameters);
自动的就是这样称呼的Cat response = myCat.Put();
//<typeparam name="O">(Automatically Inferred) The type of the current resource, which is also the expected type of the resource request response.</typeparam>
public static O Put<O>(this O obj, List<Parameter> parameters = null)
where O : APIResource
{ return obj.Put<O>(parameters); } //I want to call the first method here.