这是问题所在。我必须运行带有参数的 cli 命令并将输出(实时)重定向到文本框。该命令将如下所示: smcli -n name -f "script.scr"
由于 smcli 不在系统 PATH 变量中,所以我首先需要到正确的 Dir
所以,我最终运行了如下所示的完整命令: cmd /c cd "c:\Program Files(x86)\bla\" && smcli - n name -f "script.scr"
正如我所说,我确实得到了所有这些输出……一旦一切都完成了(即在明显冻结 5 分钟后)。不将输出重定向到文本框(即打开控制台窗口),我得到实时输出。
Private Sub ReadMDcfgToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ReadMDcfgToolStripButton.Click
Dim exitcode As Int32
smcli = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") & "\Dell\MD Storage Manager\client\" 'SMcli.exe"
Dim gotosmclidir As String = "cd """ & smcli & """"
Dim smclicommand As String
smclicommand = "smcli -n " & mdname & " -c ""save storagearray configuration file=\""" & saveFileDialog2.FileName & "\"" allconfig"";"
cmd = gotosmclidir & " && " & smclicommand
exitcode = RunCommandCom(cmd, "", False)
End Sub
Private Function RunCommandCom(command As String, arguments As String, permanent As Boolean) As Int32
' Usage:
'RunCommandCom("DIR", "/W", true)
'For the multiple command on one line the key are the & | && and || command connectors
'•A & B -> execute command A, then execute command B.
'•A | B -> execute command A, and redirect all it's output into the input of command B.
'•A && B -> execute command A, evaluate the errorlevel after running Command A, and if the exit code (errorlevel) is 0, only then execute command B.
'•A || B -> execute Command A, evalutate the exit code of this command and if it's anything but 0, only then execute command B.
TextBox1.Text = "Communication in progress..." & vbCrLf
exitcodelbl.Text = ""
CmdCloseBtn.Enabled = False
ToolStrip1.Enabled = False
CmdOutputPanel.Visible = True
Dim p As Process = New Process()
Dim pi As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo()
pi.FileName = "cmd.exe"
pi.Arguments = " " + If(permanent = True, "/K", "/C") + " " + command + " " + arguments
pi.CreateNoWindow = True
pi.UseShellExecute = False
pi.RedirectStandardOutput = True
pi.RedirectStandardError = True
pi.CreateNoWindow = True
p.StartInfo = pi
AddHandler p.OutputDataReceived, AddressOf GotData
Do Until p.HasExited
exitcodelbl.Text = p.ExitCode
Select Case p.ExitCode
Case 0
exitcodelbl.Text += " - Command completed successfully."
Case 1
exitcodelbl.Text += " - Could not communicate with the Array."
Case 9
exitcodelbl.Text += " - Could not communicate with the Array."
Case 14
exitcodelbl.Text += " - Could not communicate with the Array."
Case Else
exitcodelbl.Text += " - Unknown code."
End Select
Return p.ExitCode
End Function
Sub GotData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataReceivedEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Delegate Sub UpdateTextBoxDelegate(ByVal Text As String)
Private Sub UpdateTextBox(ByVal Tex As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim del As New UpdateTextBoxDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTextBox)
Dim args As Object() = {Tex}
Me.Invoke(del, args)
TextBox1.Text &= Tex & Environment.NewLine
End If
End Sub
以下 tinstaafl 是更新后的代码:
Private Sub MainForm_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown
Await RunCommandCom("", "", False) '
CmdCloseBtn.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Async Function RunCommandCom(command As String, arguments As String, permanent As Boolean) As Task(Of Int32)
TextBox1.Text = "Communication in progress..." & vbCrLf
exitcodelbl.Text = ""
CmdCloseBtn.Enabled = False
ToolStrip1.Enabled = False
CmdOutputPanel.Visible = True
Dim p As Process = New Process()
With p.StartInfo
.WorkingDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") & "\Dell\MD Storage Manager\client\" 'Directory for SMcli.exe"
.FileName = "ping.exe"
.Arguments = command + " " + arguments
.CreateNoWindow = True
.UseShellExecute = False
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardError = True
End With
Do Until p.HasExited
TextBox1.Text &= Await p.StandardOutput.ReadLineAsync
exitcodelbl.Text = p.ExitCode
Return p.ExitCode
End Function