I'm trying to use svn protocol to connect to our company's svn. It uses "LOGIN PLAIN" as authentication mechanism. I use macport to install subversion 1.8.3. However, it doesn't supports these two authentication mechanism. It reports "svn: E210007: Cannot negotiate authentication mechanism".

I took me almost a day and finally I found out it maybe the issue of sasl2 module. But I don't know how to fix it. Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot

Here're my debugging information

 $/opt/local/bin/svn --version
 * ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol. - with Cyrus SASL authentication
 #/opt/local/sbin/saslauthd -v
 saslauthd 2.1.25
 authentication mechanisms: getpwent kerberos5 pam rimap

Looks like login/plain is not supported. After I try to add LOGIN or PLAIN, it'll return error too.

 #/opt/local/sbin/saslauthd  -a login
 saslauthd[50249] :set_auth_mech   : unknown authentication mechanism: login

But actually the mechanism is in ports/security/cyrus-sasl2/Portfile.

 configure.args          --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
                    --with-openssl=${prefix} \
                    --with-dbpath=${prefix}/etc/sasldb2 \
                    --with-plugindir=${prefix}/lib/sasl2 \
                    --with-saslauthd=${prefix}/var/state/saslauthd \
                    --with-pwcheck=${prefix}/var/pwcheck \
                    --disable-macos-framework \
                    --enable-srp \
                    --enable-srp-setpass \
                    --enable-login \
                    --enable-ntlm \

And also plain/login library were both built into /opt/local/lib

  $ls /opt/local/lib/sasl2/libplain.*
   /opt/local/lib/sasl2/libplain.2.0.25.so /opt/local/lib/sasl2/libplain.2.so      /opt/local/lib/sasl2/libplain.so
  $ls /opt/local/lib/sasl2/liblogin.*
    /opt/local/lib/sasl2/liblogin.2.0.25.so /opt/local/lib/sasl2/liblogin.2.so      /opt/local/lib/sasl2/liblogin.so

1 回答 1


我有同样的问题。也许它与此有关: http: //trac.macports.org/ticket/40885

我在 OS X Mavericks 上。

于 2013-10-26T12:33:05.247 回答