

1F 00 1C 3A 1F 00 25 3A 1F 00 09 3A 1F 00 50 3A 
1F 00 5A 3A 1F 00 5C 3A 1F 00 5B 3A 1F 00 59 3A
1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 FE 0F 1F 00 01 30 1F 00 06 3A 
1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 45 3A 
1F 10 56 3A 1F 10 54 3A 1F 00 03 30 1F 00 02 30 
03 00 55 3A 03 00 71 3A 1F 00 29 3A 1F 00 27 3A 
1F 00 2A 3A 1F 00 28 3A 1F 00 26 3A 1F 00 51 3A 
1F 00 08 3A 1F 00 24 3A 1F 00 21 3A 1F 00 16 3A
1F 00 17 3A 1F 00 18 3A 1F 00 19 3A 1F 00 0A 80
1F 00 48 3A 1F 10 58 3A 02 00 4D 3A 40 00 42 3A 
40 00 41 3A 1F 00 04 30 1F 10 00 80 03 00 01 80
02 01 FF 0F


40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30 
1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 06 3A 
1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F

第 3 部分

40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30 
1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 11 3A 
1F 00 06 3A 1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F 

第 4 部分

1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30 
1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 45 3A 
1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 06 3A 
1F 00 01 30 02 01 FF 0F

第 5 部分

40 00 08 30 1F 00 03 30 1F 00 02 30 1F 00 01 30 
02 01 FF 0F

我的文件有很多像上面这样的数据部分。每个数据部分以 bytes 结尾02 01 FF 0F。这里我只展示五个部分。



int n = 500;     //where n is the number of parts in my file
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
  fread(&a, 1, 4, pFile);
  if((a==0x0FFF0102) || (a==0x8004001F) || (a==0x800D001F))
  fseek(pFile, -4, SEEK_CUR);
    fread(&a, 1, 4, pFile);
    // now  what can I do here. where I store all above hex data.


3 回答 3



  1. 使用 .分配您认为适合整个文件的大缓冲区calloc()
  2. 开始按块读取文件。
    • 记录你读了多少。
  3. 将读取的内容放入分配的缓冲区。
    • 如果缓冲区无法容纳读取的数据,请使用realloc()扩大缓冲区
  4. 阅读整个文件后,创建另一个数组,这次是char*指针 - 用于零件起始列表
  5. 将指向读取缓冲区开头的指针添加到部件开始列表
  6. 开始读取读取缓冲区并搜索02 01 FF 0F部分结束字节
  7. 将每个找到的字节序列之后的位置添加到部件开始列表中。同样,根据需要重新分配。
  8. 如果文件是文本文件,则用 '\0' 替换结束字节;否则什么也不做
  9. 重复直到到达缓冲区的末尾
  10. 将部件开始列表中的每个条目视为字符串并对其执行操作。它的结束由下一个条目的开始标记。
于 2013-10-23T12:20:24.200 回答

我正在根据Dariusz 的回答建立我的回答。通常我会把它放在评论中,但我写得太多了。


  1. malloc()足够的内存,以便指针适合。
  2. 逐块读取到某个临时缓冲区中。
  3. 一旦你有一个完整的块,malloc()它的内存并将数据放入。记住在某处记下大小。
  4. 将该指针放入指针列表中,realloc()根据需要对其进行 ing。

Dariusz 的解决方案有一些优点——例如,您可以通过减去指针来获得块的大小——但是,如前所述,while 文件的一个大块可能会导致问题,具体取决于文件大小。



在这种情况下,从第 4 点开始,更接近 Dariusz 的答案。

于 2013-10-24T05:33:59.623 回答


#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "imageprt.h"
#include "stderr.h"

enum { EOS_MARKER = 0x0FFF0102 };

typedef struct Section
    size_t   length;
    int32_t *data;
} Section;

typedef struct Description
    size_t  n_sections;
    Section *sections;
    int32_t *data;
} Description;

static void free_description(Description *dp);
static Description *read_description(FILE *fp, char const *fn);
static void dump_description(char const *tag, Description const *desc);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        FILE *fp = fopen(argv[i], "rb");
        if (fp == 0)
            err_sysrem("Failed to open file %s for reading\n", argv[i]);
            Description *desc = read_description(fp, argv[i]);
            dump_description("Description", desc);

static void dump_description(char const *tag, Description const *desc)
    assert(desc != 0);
    printf("%s: %p\n", tag, (void *)desc);
    printf("Number of sections: %zu\n", desc->n_sections);
    if (desc->n_sections != 0)
        assert(desc->sections != 0);
        assert(desc->data != 0);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < desc->n_sections; i++)
            size_t offset = (desc->sections[i].data - desc->data) * sizeof(int32_t);
            printf("Section %zu:\n", i);
            image_print(stdout, offset, (char *)desc->sections[i].data,
                desc->sections[i].length * sizeof(int32_t));

static void free_description(Description *dp)
    assert(dp != 0);

static Description *read_description(FILE *fp, char const *fn)
    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
    size_t n_bytes = ftell(fp);
    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    if (n_bytes % sizeof(int32_t) != 0)
        err_remark("Length of file (%zu) is not a multiple of %zu bytes\n",
                n_bytes, sizeof(int32_t));
        return 0;

    Description *desc = (Description *)calloc(1, sizeof(Description));
    if (desc == 0)
        err_syserr("Failed to allocate memory\n");

    desc->data = (int32_t *)malloc(n_bytes);
    if (desc->data == 0)
        err_syserr("Failed to allocate memory\n");

    size_t n_read = fread(desc->data, 1, n_bytes, fp);
    if (n_read != n_bytes)
        err_syserr("Short read on file %s\n", fn);

    //image_print(stderr, 0, (char *)desc->data, n_bytes);

    /* All data in memory — how many sections? */
    size_t n_values = n_bytes / sizeof(int32_t);
    size_t n_sects = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
        if (desc->data[i] == EOS_MARKER)
    //err_remark("Found %zu sections\n", n_sects);

    desc->sections = (Section *)malloc(n_sects * sizeof(Section));
    size_t sec_num = 0;
    int32_t p_value = EOS_MARKER;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_values; i++)
        if (p_value == EOS_MARKER)
            //err_remark("Found EOS_MARKER: section %zu, index %zu\n", sec_num, i);
            //image_print(stderr, 0, (char *)&desc->data[i], (n_values - i) * sizeof(int32_t));
            desc->sections[sec_num].data = &desc->data[i];
            //err_remark("Section %zu: data %p\n", sec_num, (void *)desc->sections[sec_num].data);
            if (i > 0)
                assert(sec_num > 0);
                desc->sections[sec_num-1].length = &desc->data[i] - desc->sections[sec_num-1].data;
                //err_remark("Section %zu: length %zu\n", sec_num-1, desc->sections[sec_num-1].length);
        p_value = desc->data[i];
    assert(sec_num == n_sects);
    desc->sections[sec_num-1].length = &desc->data[n_values] - desc->sections[sec_num-1].data;

    if (p_value != EOS_MARKER)
        err_syserr("The file %s did not finish with the section marker!\n", fn);
    desc->n_sections = n_sects;

    return desc;

标头imageprt.h声明'image_print() , a function in my personal library that formats hex dumps. The headerstderr.h defines error reporting functions such aserr_remark() anderr_syserr()`(分别报告消息并继续,报告消息,系统错误和停止)。



0x0000: 1F 00 1C 3A 1F 00 25 3A 1F 00 09 3A 1F 00 50 3A   ...:..%:...:..P:
0x0010: 1F 00 5A 3A 1F 00 5C 3A 1F 00 5B 3A 1F 00 59 3A   ..Z:..\:..[:..Y:
0x0020: 1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 FE 0F 1F 00 01 30 1F 00 06 3A   ..]:.......0...:
0x0030: 1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 45 3A   ...:..D:..O:..E:
0x0040: 1F 10 56 3A 1F 10 54 3A 1F 00 03 30 1F 00 02 30   ..V:..T:...0...0
0x0050: 03 00 55 3A 03 00 71 3A 1F 00 29 3A 1F 00 27 3A   ..U:..q:..):..':
0x0060: 1F 00 2A 3A 1F 00 28 3A 1F 00 26 3A 1F 00 51 3A   ..*:..(:..&:..Q:
0x0070: 1F 00 08 3A 1F 00 24 3A 1F 00 21 3A 1F 00 16 3A   ...:..$:..!:...:
0x0080: 1F 00 17 3A 1F 00 18 3A 1F 00 19 3A 1F 00 0A 80   ...:...:...:....
0x0090: 1F 00 48 3A 1F 10 58 3A 02 00 4D 3A 40 00 42 3A   ..H:..X:..M:@.B:
0x00A0: 40 00 41 3A 1F 00 04 30 1F 10 00 80 03 00 01 80   @.A:...0........
0x00B0: 02 01 FF 0F 40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A   ....@..0..q:..U:
0x00C0: 1F 00 02 30 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A   ...0...0..T:..V:
0x00D0: 1F 00 06 3A 1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F   ...:...0........
0x00E0: 40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30   @..0..q:..U:...0
0x00F0: 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 11 3A   ...0..T:..V:...:
0x0100: 1F 00 06 3A 1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F   ...:...0........
0x0110: 1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30   ..]:..q:..U:...0
0x0120: 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 45 3A   ...0..T:..V:..E:
0x0130: 1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 06 3A   ..O:..D:...:...:
0x0140: 1F 00 01 30 02 01 FF 0F 40 00 08 30 1F 00 03 30   ...0....@..0...0
0x0150: 1F 00 02 30 1F 00 01 30 02 01 FF 0F               ...0...0....


Description: 0x7fc58bc03a20
Number of sections: 5
Section 0:
0x0000: 1F 00 1C 3A 1F 00 25 3A 1F 00 09 3A 1F 00 50 3A   ...:..%:...:..P:
0x0010: 1F 00 5A 3A 1F 00 5C 3A 1F 00 5B 3A 1F 00 59 3A   ..Z:..\:..[:..Y:
0x0020: 1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 FE 0F 1F 00 01 30 1F 00 06 3A   ..]:.......0...:
0x0030: 1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 45 3A   ...:..D:..O:..E:
0x0040: 1F 10 56 3A 1F 10 54 3A 1F 00 03 30 1F 00 02 30   ..V:..T:...0...0
0x0050: 03 00 55 3A 03 00 71 3A 1F 00 29 3A 1F 00 27 3A   ..U:..q:..):..':
0x0060: 1F 00 2A 3A 1F 00 28 3A 1F 00 26 3A 1F 00 51 3A   ..*:..(:..&:..Q:
0x0070: 1F 00 08 3A 1F 00 24 3A 1F 00 21 3A 1F 00 16 3A   ...:..$:..!:...:
0x0080: 1F 00 17 3A 1F 00 18 3A 1F 00 19 3A 1F 00 0A 80   ...:...:...:....
0x0090: 1F 00 48 3A 1F 10 58 3A 02 00 4D 3A 40 00 42 3A   ..H:..X:..M:@.B:
0x00A0: 40 00 41 3A 1F 00 04 30 1F 10 00 80 03 00 01 80   @.A:...0........
0x00B0: 02 01 FF 0F                                       ....
Section 1:
0x00B4: 40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30   @..0..q:..U:...0
0x00C4: 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 06 3A   ...0..T:..V:...:
0x00D4: 1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F               ...0........
Section 2:
0x00E0: 40 00 08 30 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30   @..0..q:..U:...0
0x00F0: 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 11 3A   ...0..T:..V:...:
0x0100: 1F 00 06 3A 1F 00 01 30 03 00 FE 0F 02 01 FF 0F   ...:...0........
Section 3:
0x0110: 1F 00 5D 3A 03 00 71 3A 03 00 55 3A 1F 00 02 30   ..]:..q:..U:...0
0x0120: 1F 00 03 30 1F 10 54 3A 1F 10 56 3A 1F 00 45 3A   ...0..T:..V:..E:
0x0130: 1F 00 4F 3A 1F 00 44 3A 1F 00 11 3A 1F 00 06 3A   ..O:..D:...:...:
0x0140: 1F 00 01 30 02 01 FF 0F                           ...0....
Section 4:
0x0148: 40 00 08 30 1F 00 03 30 1F 00 02 30 1F 00 01 30   @..0...0...0...0
0x0158: 02 01 FF 0F  


于 2013-10-24T14:08:39.020 回答