I need for further working routine a query which calculates several functions across two (maybe more) tables. But once I import more than one table I got odd results caused by JOIN conditions. First I used that query:
sum(s.bedarf2050_kwh_a) AS bedarf_kWh_a,
sum(s.bedarf2050_kwh_a)*0.2 AS netzverlust,
sum(s.bedarf2050_kwh_a) + sum(s.bedarf2050_kwh_a)*0.2 AS gesamtbedarf,
sum(pv.modulflaeche_qm) AS instbar_modulflaeche_qm
siedlungsareale_wbm s, pv_st_potenziale_gis pv
s.vg_solar LIKE '%NWS 2%'
ST_Covers(s.geom, pv.geom);
Using sum with DISTINCT returns some accurate values but only if all input values are unique. That's not a solution I can use:
SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a) AS bedarf_kWh_a,
SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a)*0.2 AS netzverlust,
SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a) + SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a)*0.2 AS gesamtbedarf,
SUM(pv.modulflaeche_qm) AS instbar_modulflaeche_qm,
(SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a) + SUM(DISTINCT s.bedarf2050_kwh_a)*0.2)*0.01499 AS startwert_speichergroesse
siedlungsareale_wbm s, pv_st_potenziale_gis pv
pv.vg_solar LIKE '%NWS 2%'
ST_Covers(s.geom, pv.geom);
DISTINCT would be a proper solution if the DISTINCT refers to another column, not the column to use in the function. Or some subquery or other JOIN condition. But all I tried run in errors or false result values.
I found some solutions using UNION dealing with aggregate function on multiple tables. But as I tried to fit the code on my query I got errors.
For example like there: Can SQL calculate aggregate functions across multiple tables?
Hope someone can help me to build a working query for my task.
[EDIT] simple example
id | bedarf2050_kWh_a | a | b | c | vg_solar | geom
1 | 20 | | | | NWS 2 | xxxxx
2 | 10 | | | | NWS 2 | xxxxx
3 | 30 | | | | NWS 2 | xxxxx
4 | 5 | | | | NWS 2 | xxxxx
5 | 15 | | | | NWS 2 | xxxxx
sum = 80
id | modulflaeche_qm | x | y | z | geom
1 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
2 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
3 | 20 | | | | xxxxx
4 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
5 | 30 | | | | xxxxx
6 | 30 | | | | xxxxx
7 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
8 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
9 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
10 | 10 | | | | xxxxx
sum = 140
SELECT sum(s.bedarfxxxx) AS bedarf, sum(pv.mflaeche) As mflaeche
FROM siedlungsareale s, pv_st_potenziale_gis pv
WHERE s.vg_solar LIKE '%NWS 2%' AND ST_Covers(s.geom,pv.geom);
Expected correct result:
bedarf | mflaeche
80 | 140
There I would get the sum of all values for column 'bedarf' from 'siedlungsareale' and all for 'mflaeche' from 'pv_st_potenziale_gis'
But the real calculated values of column 'bedarf' using this query are much higher caused of the CROSS JOIN condition.
And the other query:
SELECT sum(DISTINCT s.bedarfxxxx) AS bedarf, sum(DISTINCT pv.mflaeche) As mflaeche
FROM siedlungsareale s, pv_st_potenziale_gis pv
WHERE s.vg_solar LIKE '%NWS 2%' AND ST_Covers(s.geom,pv.geom);
bedarf | mflaeche
80 | 60
Accurate value for 'bedarf' caused the values are unique. But for mflaeche where some values occurre several times the result is wrong.