我正在尝试让一个刽子手程序分配工作。所以这个游戏的重点是首先让玩家选择一个单词,然后用户不断输入字母来获取单词。当用户犯 6 个错误或猜对了单词时,游戏结束。所以程序应该是这样的:
Please enter an integer number (0<=number<10) to choose the word in the list: 1
从输出中我们看到列表上有 10 个单词,并且用户选择了索引为 1 的单词,即 horse。
The length of the word is: 5
Please enter the letter you guess: t
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: _____
这里,第三行显示了“Hangman”图形的第一行。随着用户犯更多错误,该图形将“增长”。如果用户到目前为止所犯的错误少于 6 个,则计算机返回并要求下一次猜测。在我们的示例中,到目前为止的错误数为 1,因此计算机返回提示进行下一次猜测。假设用户输入的下一个字母是“e”:
Please enter the letter you guess: e
The letter is in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
在这种情况下,找到了字母(它是单词“horse”的最后一个字母)。匹配如第三行所示。这里,“ _ _e”有 4 个下划线字符,对应于“horse”的前四个尚未匹配的字符,后面是“e”,即迄今为止匹配的单个字符。然后交互重复。例如,考虑当用户仅做出错误猜测并且没有发现更多“马”字符的情况。完整的输出将如下所示:
Please enter the letter you guess: u
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
| |
Please enter the letter you guess: a
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
| |
| O
Please enter the letter you guess: i
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
| |
| O
| / |
Please enter the letter you guess: d
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
| |
| O
| / |
| |
Please enter the letter you guess: b
The letter is not in the word.
Letters matched so far: ____e
| |
| O
| / |
| |
| / |
Too many incorrect guesses. You lost!
The word was: horse.
Please enter the letter you guess: o
The letter is in the word.
Letters matched so far: _o__e
Please enter the letter you guess: r
The letter is in the word.
Letters matched so far: _or_e
Please enter the letter you guess: h
The letter is in the word.
Letters matched so far: hor_e
Please enter the letter you guess: s
The letter is in the word.
Letters matched so far: horse
You have found the mystery word. You win!
words = ['hello', 'horse', 'bye', 'moose', 'earth']
#Choosing word
choose=input('Please enter an integer number 0<=number<10 to choose the word: ')
#check validity of guess
#print length of word
print('The length of the word is %i' %lenword)
while notValid==False:
while mistake<6:
guess=input('Please enter the letter you guess: ')
for letter in secret:
if guess == letter:
print('The letter is in the word.')
print('The letter is not in the word.')