


关于使用 IO:

obtainTree :: ByteString -> Tree
main = print $ obtainTree partition

据我了解,要在算法中使用 IO,我们必须使用如下函数:

obtainTree :: ByteString -> IO Tree



2 回答 2




-- intended to be put in a module that only exports the following list:
-- (Resumable, Prompted, prompt, runResumable, extract, resume)
import Control.Applicative

newtype Resumable e r a = R { runResumable :: Either (Prompted e r a) a }

data Prompted e r a = P e (r -> Resumable e r a)

suspend :: e -> (r -> Resumable e r a) -> Resumable e r a
suspend e = R . Left . P e

instance Functor (Resumable e r) where
    fmap f (R (Right x)) = pure $ f x
    fmap f (R (Left (P e g))) = suspend e $ \x -> f <$> g x

instance Applicative (Resumable e r) where
    pure = R . Right
    (R (Right f)) <*> (R (Right x)) = pure $ f x
    (R (Left (P e f))) <*> x = suspend e $ \y -> f y <*> x
    f <*> (R (Left (P e g))) = suspend e $ \y -> f <*> g y

instance Monad (Resumable e r) where
    return = pure
    (R (Right x)) >>= f = f x
    (R (Left (P e f))) >>= g = suspend e $ \x -> f x >>= g

prompt :: e -> Resumable e r r
prompt e = suspend e pure

extract :: Prompted e r a -> e
extract (P e _) = e

resume :: Prompted e r a -> r -> Either (Prompted e r a) a
resume (P _ f) e = runResumable $ f e



askAboutNegatives :: [Int] -> Resumable Int Bool [Int]
askAboutNegatives [] = return []
askAboutNegatives (x:xs) = do
    keep <- if x < 0 then prompt x else return True
    rest <- askAboutNegatives xs
    return $ if keep then x:rest else rest

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let ls = [1, -4, 2, -7, 3]
        loopIfNeeded (Right r) = return r
        loopIfNeeded (Left p) = do
            putStrLn $ "Would you like to keep " ++ show (extract p)
            i <- getLine
            loopIfNeeded $ resume p (i == "y")
    asked <- loopIfNeeded $ runResumable (askAboutNegatives ls)
    print asked


runResumableWithM :: Monad m => (e -> m r) -> Resumable e r a -> m a
runResumableWithM f x = case runResumable x of
    Right y -> return y
    Left (P e g) -> do
        r <- f e
        runResumableWithM f $ g r


main :: IO ()
main = do
    let ls = [1, -4, 2, -7, 3]
        ask x = do
            putStrLn $ "Would you like to keep " ++ show x
            i <- getLine
            return $ i == "y"
    asked <- runResumableWithM ask (askAboutNegatives ls)
    print asked


于 2013-10-22T19:26:51.963 回答

首先,纯代码不能进入 IO,或者我们可以说如果纯函数尝试使用某些不纯函数(即尝试使用 IO),则它需要变得不纯。如果您想知道为什么会这样,请考虑一下:如果纯函数向不纯函数询问某些数据以完成自己的处理,那么它就会失去“引用透明性”,因为现在纯函数可以为相同的输入返回不同的结果,因为所涉及的不纯(IO)调用,因此它不再是纯的。


parseFileSystem :: FileSystem -> (Directory -> IO Tree) -> IO Tree

(Directory -> IO Tree)是向用户询问所需信息并Tree基于它返回数据的函数。

于 2013-10-23T05:25:22.150 回答