通过使用 Sam Saffron 在How to resolve a .lnk in c# 中的示例脚本,我能够提供解决此问题的方法。我将 ResolveShortcut 函数修改为以下内容:
public static string ResolveShortcut(string filename)
// this gets the full path from a shortcut (.lnk file).
ShellLink link = new ShellLink();
((IPersistFile)link).Load(filename, STGM_READ);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MAX_PATH);
((IShellLinkW)link).GetPath(sb, sb.Capacity, out data, 0);
string final_string = sb.ToString();
if (final_string.Length == 0)
final_string = filename;
// If the the shortcut's target resolves to the Program Files or System32 directory, and the user is on a
// 64-bit machine, the final string may actually point to C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Windows\SYSWOW64.
// This is due to File System Redirection in Windows -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365743%28VS.85%29.aspx.
// Unfortunately the solution there doesn't appear to work for 32-bit apps on 64-bit machines.
// We will provide a workaround here:
string new_path = Validate_Shortcut_Path(final_string, "SysWOW64", "System32");
if (File.Exists(new_path) == true && File.Exists(final_string) == false)
// the file is actually stored in System32 instead of SysWOW64. Let's update it.
final_string = new_path;
new_path = Validate_Shortcut_Path(final_string, "Program Files (x86)", "Program Files");
if (File.Exists(new_path) == true && File.Exists(final_string) == false)
// the file is actually stored in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86). Let's update it.
final_string = new_path;
// the lnk may incorrectly resolve to the C:\Windows\Installer directory. Check for this.
if (final_string.ToLower().IndexOf("windows\\installer") > -1)
final_string = filename;
if (File.Exists(final_string))
return final_string;
return filename;
public static string Validate_Shortcut_Path(string final_string, string find_what, string replace_with)
string final_string_lower = final_string.ToLower();
string find_what_lower = find_what.ToLower();
int find_value = final_string_lower.IndexOf(find_what_lower);
if (find_value > -1)
// the shortcut resolved to the find_what directory, which can be SysWOW64 or Program Files (x86),
// but this may not be correct. Let's check by replacing it with another value.
string new_string = final_string.Substring(0, find_value) + replace_with + final_string.Substring(find_value + find_what.Length);
if (File.Exists(new_string) == true && File.Exists(final_string) == false)
// the file is actually stored at a different location. Let's update it.
final_string = new_string;
return final_string;