我正在尝试使用 .NET Reactive Framework 来简化对我正在编写的 Silverlight 3 应用程序使用的 WCF 服务的一些异步调用。

问题是我很难找到一种方法来以一种可行的方式构建我的代码。毫无疑问,部分问题在于理解 Reactive 中可用的机制以及如何使用它们来解决我的问题。

我正在尝试将一系列 WCF 服务器调用串在一起 - 如果它们是同步的,它们看起来像这样:

switch( CurrentVisualState )
    case GameVisualState.Welcome:
        m_gameState = m_Server.StartGame();
        if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
            NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
        goto case GameVisualState.HandNotStarted;

    case GameVisualState.HandNotStarted:
    case GameVisualState.HandCompleted:
    case GameVisualState.HandSurrendered:
        ChangeVisualState( GameVisualState.HandPlaceBet );

    case GameVisualState.HandPlaceBet:
        // request updated game state from game server...
        m_GameState = m_Server.NextHand( m_GameState, CurrentBetAmount );
        if( CertainConditionInGameState( m_GameState ) )
            m_GameState = m_Server.CompleteHand( m_GameState );

过去的调用m_Server.XXXX()直接在 Silveright 应用程序中实现(因此它们可以是同步的) - 但现在在 WCF 服务中实现。由于 Silverlight 强制您异步调用 WCF 服务 - 重写此代码块一直很棘手。

我希望用来Observable.FromEvent<>()订阅XXXCompletedWCF 代理代码生成的各种事件,但我不清楚如何让它工作。我最初的尝试看起来像:

var startObs = Observable.FromEvent<StartGameCompletedEventArgs>(
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted += h,
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted -= h );

startObs.Subscribe( e => { m_gameState = e.EventArgs.Result.StartGameResult;
                           if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
                               NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
                           TransitionVisual( GameVisualState.HandNotStarted );
                         } );  // above code never reached...

m_Server.StartGameAsync();  // never returns, but the WCF service is called

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事实证明,在处理 Silverlight WCF 调用时,决定在哪个线程上执行订阅的观察者非常重要。就我而言,我需要确保订阅的代码在 UI 线程上运行 - 这是通过以下更改完成的:

var startObs = Observable.FromEvent<StartGameCompletedEventArgs>(
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted += h,
                  h => m_Server.StartGameCompleted -= h )
        .Take(1) // necessary to ensure the observable unsubscribes
        .ObserveOnDispatcher(); // controls which thread the observer runs on

startObs.Subscribe( e => { m_gameState = e.EventArgs.Result.StartGameResult;
                           if( m_GameState.Bankroll < Game.MinimumBet )
                               NotifyPlayer( ... );  // some UI code here ...
                           TransitionVisual( GameVisualState.HandNotStarted );
                         } );  // this code now executes with access to the UI

m_Server.StartGameAsync();  // initiates the call to the WCF service
于 2009-12-24T15:30:31.107 回答