我想知道,将 MIXARE 集成到我的 Android 应用程序中。我偶然发现了这个帖子


但我有一个问题,我的手机或平板电脑需要安装 MIXARE 吗?或者我只是在我的应用程序中启动 mixare 的功能?





1 回答 1


The instructions given do NOT require that other software be installed on the device - the library referred to is an android library which is installed on your development machine are including in your application as part of the distribution (i.e in the APK).

If you choose this route be sure to test on some devices which DO have the other app installed because if you get the intent filters even slightly wrong it will fail in this case.

However this is NOT the best solution: there are several different reasons why it is better to install the Mixare application and use the intent system to access it from your code, possibly the best of these is that it allows the user to keep the latest version of the external app updated. The author of your link clearly indicates that the only reason he chose this path was because within his enterprise solution no access to the play store was permitted.

于 2013-10-22T12:58:46.610 回答