
我们通过red5服务器录制视频但没有添加声音(因为没有声音环境)。所以输出的flv文件中没有音轨。并且当我们通过 ffmpeg 将该 flv(无音轨)编码为其他视频格式时存在编码错误。

错误消息是找不到编解码器参数(音频:0x0000、0 个通道、s16)


  1. ffmpeg 有什么办法可以编码没有音轨的视频 flv 吗?
  2. 即使实际上没有录制声音,red5服务器有什么办法可以添加音轨吗?

谢谢 !


1 回答 1


We could better assist you if you had your FFmpeg command line in your question. Regardless, to answer your second question:

Is there any way ffmpeg can encoding no sound track video flv?

Yes, with the -an switch!

This can be found in the FFmpeg documentation. Your new command line will look something like this:

./ffmpeg -i myred5recording.flv -an myoutput.mp4

It is also possible to 'mux in' audio with FFmpeg, but that is non-trivial relative to just using the -an switch. If you want to pursue this angle, the have a look at some other Stack Overflow questions, such as How can I add audio (mp3) to a flv (just video) with ffmpeg?

于 2009-12-23T11:34:37.320 回答