
在花了一些时间试图了解 JavaScript 中的newf.prototype构造函数结构,并阅读了它如何成为一种原型语言,更不用说 Crockford 对这个主题的启发性评论之后,我得出以下结论:在 JavaScript 中模拟传统的基于类的继承的更自然的方法,如果想要:

// emphasise that there's no superclass instead of writing A = {}
var A = Create.object(null);

// define the 'instance initializer', which half of what a constructor is
A.init = function(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    return this;

// a method
A.sum = function() {
    return this.x + this.y;

// instantiate A
var a = Object.create(A).init(3);

// a subclass
var B = Object.create(A);

B.init = function(x, y, w) {
    A.init.call(this, x, y);
    this.w = w;
    return this;

B.weightedSum = function() {
    return (1.0 - this.w) * this.x + this.w * this.y;

// instantiate B
var b = Object.create(B).init(1, 2, 0.3);

// equivalent of `instanceof`
var bInstanceOfA = A.isPrototypeOf(b);


因此,我的问题如下:那些对 JavaScript 有更多经验的人能否告诉我这种方法是否存在我没​​有考虑的问题,或者它是否是一个好的模式?


1 回答 1


使用这种方法,您会丢失一个new关键字。所以你不能说new A(128, 256)


var Employee = function(name) {
    this.name = name;
    return this;

Employee.prototype = {
    doWork: function() {
        console.log('%s is doing some abstract work', this.name);

var Driver = function(name) {
    return Employee.call(this, name);

Driver.prototype = Object.create(Employee.prototype, {
    doWork: {
        value: function() {
            console.log('%s is driving a car', this.name);
    fixEngine: {
        value: function() {
            console.log('%s is fixing an engine', this.name);

var employee = new Employee('Jim');
var driver = new Driver('Bill');

employee.doWork(); // Jim is doing some abstract work 
driver.doWork(); // Bill is driving a car
driver.fixEngine(); // Bill is fixing an engine 


于 2013-10-22T11:23:11.567 回答