我是 jQuery 和 JS 的新手,所以请善待:)


这是我正在谈论的一个示例(*注意导航栏,当您滚动与之关联的页面时,div 是如何变化的): http: //www.domo.com/

我现在正在使用 jQuery 粘性插件来让菜单保持在顶部,但不知道如何进行悬停。


2 回答 2



1. 我的每个部分在页面上的什么位置?




      <li class="nav" id="nav_one">1</li>
      <li class="nav" id="nav_two">2</li>

    <div class="section" name="one"> Section one</div>

    <div class="section" name="two"> Section two</div>


JavaScript 查找每个部分的位置:

//define a sections object
var sections = {}

//find all sections on the page, then for each:
  //add a property to the object with a key corresponding to the name
  //and a value corresponding to the offset from the top of the page.
  sections[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).offset().top;

2. 用户在页面的哪个位置?

谜题的第二部分是找出哪些部分在视图中。这会随着用户滚动而改变,因此如您所料,您需要使用 jQuery 的scroll()事件处理程序:

//the function passed as an argument will be called every time the user scrolls.
  //get the new position
  var newPos = $(this).scrollTop();

  //configurable variable to decide how close a new section needs to be to the
  //top of the page before it's considered the active one.
  var OFFSET = 100;

  //look at all the sections you have, and work out which one should be
  //considered active.
  for(name in sections){
    if(sections[name] > newPos && sections[name] < newPos + OFFSET){
      //the section with name = name is within OFFSET of the top

      //remove "active" styling from the previously active nav elements

      //make the nav element with an id of nav_sectionname active.
      $('#nav_' + name).addClass('active'); 

Codepen 示例在这里

于 2013-10-22T11:13:19.030 回答


使用jQuery Waypoints的好教程。

于 2013-10-22T11:14:47.390 回答