我的 Qt 应用程序使用多播QUdpSocket并且需要半双工操作(它模拟单工无线电台之间的无线电传输)。这意味着一个应用程序实例不能接收它发送的数据报。但它还必须支持在同一台机器上工作多个实例(用户明确选择环回接口)。而且,当然,它应该是可移植的(最坏的情况是 Windows 和 Linux)。

模拟环回接口上的多播,环回设备上的多播,有没有办法在同一个盒子上测试多播 IP?,如何通过 localhost 使用多播来限制流量,可以将来自不同进程的数据多播到同一主机和端口吗?.

那么我应该如何设置套接字?如果无法通过简单的连接配置来实现它,那么也许使用带有 ReadOnly/WriteOnly 的 connectToHost() 将有助于保证?


void initNetwork()  {
  /* It will be needed to filter out own loopbacked datagrams */
  local_addresses = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses();
  /* Interface, selected by user */
  QNetworkInterface multicast_netif = <user selected>;
  /* Yes, I already accept the fact, that I need two separate sockets (there are more chances to make it work than when using bidirectional one) */
  udpSocketIn = new QUdpSocket(this);
  udpSocketOut = new QUdpSocket(this);
  /* It's important to bind to Any. No other combinations work (including LocalHost (in case if user selected loopback interface), MULTICAST_ADDR) */
  result = udpSocketIn->bind(QHostAddress::Any, MULTICAST_PORT, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress | QUdpSocket::ReuseAddressHint);
  /* It required to only make application know real(!) udpSocketOut->localPort() in order to be able filter own datagrams */
  result = udpSocketOut->bind();
  /* One of rare things, I'm sure is correct and must be done */
  result = udpSocketIn->joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress(MULTICAST_ADDR), multicast_netif);
  /* It doesn't matter, but it will fail if socket not binded  */
  //result = udpSocketOut->joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress(MULTICAST_ADDR), multicast_netif);
  /* No, you can't ! If socket binded previously and loopback interface selected, datagrams will not be transfered. I don't know why. And this is major thing, which makes me think, that this configuration isn't reliable, because stupid windows will select default interface for outgoing datagrams ! */
  /* It doesn't matter, because it set by default. */
  //udpSocketIn->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::MulticastLoopbackOption, QVariant(1));
  //udpSocketOut->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::MulticastLoopbackOption, QVariant(1));

void sendDatagram() {
  /* It almost always return ok, regardless of datagram being sent actually or not.
     One exception is when I turn off real network interface to which it was binded by udpSocketOut->bind() call (it selected by OS, although user selected loopback interface !)
  result = udpSocketOut->writeDatagram(datagram, QHostAddress((MULTICAST_ADDR), MULTICAST_PORT);
  Q_ASSERT(result == datagram.size());

void readPendingDatagrams() {
  udpSocketIn->readDatagram(datagram, &senderHost, &senderPort);
  /* Thanks to udpSocketOut->bind() we are able to filter out own packets sent from udpSocketOut */
  if ((local_addresses.contains(senderHost)) && (senderPort == udpSocketOut->localPort())) {
    // Ignore loopbacked datagram



2 回答 2


我得出的结论是,从用户的角度来看,它不可能 100% 正确地工作,因为特定于操作系统的网络实现。


void initNetwork()  {
  /* It will be needed to filter out own loopbacked datagrams */
  local_addresses = QNetworkInterface::allAddresses();
  /* Interface, selected by user */
  QNetworkInterface multicast_netif = <user selected>;
  /* Two separate sockets for receiving and sending (allows differentiate source port from destination port) */
  udpSocketIn = new QUdpSocket(this);
  udpSocketOut = new QUdpSocket(this);
  /* It's important to bind to Any for multicast to work, also port must be reusable by all application instances on same host */
  udpSocketIn->bind(QHostAddress::Any, MULTICAST_PORT, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress | QUdpSocket::ReuseAddressHint);
  /* It required to only make application know real(!) udpSocketOut->localPort() in order to be able filter own datagrams */
  /* Obvious... */
  udpSocketIn->joinMulticastGroup(QHostAddress(MULTICAST_ADDR), multicast_netif);
  /* Multicast loopback is set by default, but set it explicitly just in case. */
  udpSocketIn->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::MulticastLoopbackOption, QVariant(1));
  udpSocketOut->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::MulticastLoopbackOption, QVariant(1));

void sendDatagram() {
  udpSocketOut->writeDatagram(datagram, QHostAddress((MULTICAST_ADDR), MULTICAST_PORT);

void readPendingDatagrams() {
  udpSocketIn->readDatagram(datagram, &senderHost, &senderPort);
  /* Thanks to udpSocketOut->bind() we are able to filter out own packets sent from udpSocketOut */
  if ((local_addresses.contains(senderHost)) && (senderPort == udpSocketOut->localPort())) {
    // ignore loopbacked datagram
  } else {
    // accept diagram

Linux 上的测试(只有两个接口:loeth0)显示了完美的结果。我选择了所需的界面,它按预期工作 99%。如果不是小错误,那将是 100%:在绑定lo接口上,第一个数据报正在使用eth0接口的源 ip 发送(或接收)。

在 Windows 7 64 位(具有许多不同的接口)上的测试表明,在某些情况下,用户必须使用系统网络配置才能使其工作。以下是一些观察:

  1. 未传输选定的“Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1”图,如果有任何其他接口已启动,解决方案:禁用所有接口,或修改路由表中的指标
  2. 选择“Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface”,它总是工作(它充当环回接口)
  3. 无论选择什么接口,绑定到任何接口和图表的套接字都将使用该接口的源 ip 传输(即,如果用户选择了环回接口并认为它在本地工作,这是不正确的,图表也会发送到真实网络) ,解决方案与第 1 条中的相同。

在 Windows XP SP3 上的测试显示出令人满意的结果:只有第 3 条(见上文)保留。


于 2013-10-25T05:59:50.523 回答


于 2013-10-23T02:08:35.530 回答