我有 2 个 Subs,都接收数组作为参数。一个工作正常,另一个给出:编译错误:类型不匹配:预期数组或用户定义类型。在下面编写的代码中,“InitializeArray”有效,“PresentTotalRow”无效。谁能弄清楚为什么?

Sub PresentTotalRow(nCells As Integer, totalProductsPerDay() As Integer)
    row = nCells + MatrixRowOffset + 2
    Range(Cells(row, 2), Cells(row, 8)) = totalProductsPerDay
End Sub

Sub InitializeArray(ByRef arr() As Long)
    Dim N As Long
    For N = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
        arr(N) = 0
    Next N
End Sub

Sub ReadTxtFile()

    Dim totalProductsPerDay(0 To 6) As Long
    InitializeArray totalProductsPerDay

    Dim filePath As String
    filePath = "C:\work\Documents\input.txt"

    Dim oFS As TextStream
    If oFSO.FileExists(filePath) Then

        Set oFS = oFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath)
        i = 1
        Do While Not oFS.AtEndOfStream

            line = oFS.ReadLine
            nCells = calcNCells                

            totalProductsCounter = GetTotalProductsCounter()
            totalProductsPerDay(Day) = totalProductsPerDay(Day) + totalProductsCounter

            i = i + 1

        PresentTotalRow nCells, totalProductsPerDay
        MsgBox "The file path is invalid.", vbCritical, vbNullString
    Exit Sub
End If

Exit Sub

End Sub



1 回答 1

Sub PresentTotalRow(nCells As Integer, totalProductsPerDay() As Integer)
    row = nCells + MatrixRowOffset + 2
    Range(Cells(row, 2), Cells(row, 8)) = totalProductsPerDay
End Sub

the second argument expects an integer array

PresentTotalRow nCells, totalProductsPerDay

you are passing an long array here as the second argument

于 2013-10-22T09:42:09.780 回答