我很新,所以如果我在这里发帖时出现任何错误,我深表歉意......我进行了搜索,但没有找到对我有帮助的东西。我正在为井字游戏的变体编写 miniMax 算法。这种变化允许玩家在棋盘上的任何位置放置 X 或 O。我在递归方面遇到了麻烦,希望能得到一些指导。
class TicTacToeBoard:
def __init__(self, initGameBoard):
#initGameBoard is a string
self.board = initGameBoard
def getEmptySpaces(self):
return self.board.count("-")
def markX(self, index):
self.board = self.board[:index] + "x" + self.board[index+1:]
def markO(self, index):
self.board = self.board[:index] + "o" + self.board[index+1:]
def endGame(self):
#determines if someone has won
endGameStates = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]]
for x in range(len(endGameStates)):
trySlice = self.board[endGameStates[x][0]] + self.board[endGameStates[x][1]] + \
if trySlice[0] == trySlice[1] == trySlice[2] and "-" not in trySlice:
return True
return False
def draw(self):
#determines if there has been a draw
if "-" not in self.board:
endGameStates = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8],[0,3,6],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[0,4,8],[2,4,6]]
for x in range(len(endGameStates)):
trySlice = self.board[endGameStates[x][0]] + self.board[endGameStates[x][1]] + \
if trySlice[0] == trySlice[1] == trySlice[2] and "-" not in trySlice:
return False
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
boardStr = ""
for char in self.board:
boardStr += char
return boardStr
以上是我的董事会课程。我只是使用字符串,没有做任何太花哨的事情。我还使用了一个非常简单的 Node 类,它只存储数据(尽管我想我也可以只使用字符串……)
from tic_tac_toe_board import TicTacToeBoard
from node import Node
nodeQueue = []
def fitnessFunction(gameBoard):
#only runs if end game or if all full
if gameBoard.draw():
return 0
emptySpaces = gameBoard.getEmptySpaces()
if emptySpaces %2 == 0:
#max won
return (emptySpaces + 1) *1
#max lost
return (emptySpaces + 1) *-1
def miniMax(gameBoard):
if gameBoard.endGame() or if "-" not in gameBoard:
#end game checks for winner, second clause checks for full/draw
return fitnessFunction(gameBoard)
emptyIndexes = [] #keeps track of which indexes are empty
count = 0
for char in gameBoard:
if char == "-":
count +=1
if len(emptyIndexes) %2 != 0:
#max's turn
for index in emptyIndexes:
childNode = Node(gameBoard.markX(index))
childNode = Node(gameBoard.markO(index))
return miniMax()
FitnessFunction 返回基于剩余空间数量的分数。我的递归 miniMax 方法有问题。我需要做的是检查基本情况(玩家获胜或平局),如果这些基本情况不正确,我会根据剩余的空白空间数量来确定它的移动。我想我已经做到了,但我不知道下一步该做什么(递归部分)。我还需要能够获得最小或最大的孩子,这取决于轮到谁。我想我迷失了递归。我是CS新手,对它没有太多了解。任何提示将不胜感激!:)