
<img id="the_image" src="/imageServlet">

让我们假设 /imageServlet 正在响应一些 HTTP 响应标头,这些标头指示浏览器永远不应缓存此图像。在这种情况下,原因是图像可能包含敏感的员工信息,并且某些国家/地区的法律规定浏览器不应(未经用户同意)将图像保存在客户端的硬盘上,以防机器被盗。我相信响应头是Cache-Control: no-cache

我真正想做的就是复制这个图像标签,但我不希望为这个图像发出另一个 HTTP 请求。

我的应用程序是一个页面,使用 javascript 我动态地显示这些图像标签 - 但现在我想在多个地方显示相同的图像。例如,图像可以是用户个人资料图片的缩略图版本。在一个地方,我将缩略图显示为一个小列表,然后当您单击该用户时,我会在弹出窗口中显示相同的图像。

每次我<img>用这个 src 创建一个新标签时,浏览器都会重新调用服务器来检索图像。我不在乎用户是否在浏览器上按下“刷新”并且应该加载对该图像的新 HTTP 请求 - 但在单个页面加载中,图像数据不应该在内存中可用,所以我不能重用这个?


这是我刚刚编写的一些代码,其中任何时候应用程序想要加载图像时,它都会调用“loadImage”,最终会使用一些可以自由使用的 HTML 元素调用回调。这个想法是这个中心函数将创建图像,但它会确保对于任何唯一的src只有一个 HTTP 请求将被发出 - 无论 HTTP 响应标头是否包含Cache-Control: no-cache

  var HANDLERS = {};

   * I want to keep around a cached "Image" then the "callback" will be called with a
   * duplicate somehow - whatever comes back from here can be inserted somewhere, but
   * hopefully no additional HTTP requests needs to be made!!
   * @param {Image} img
   * @return {Image} A copy of the incoming img
  function duplicateImage(img) {
    // Does not work!! D'oh, is this even possible to achieve??
    return img.cloneNode(true);

   * Users can call this to load the image. The callback is called when the image is ready.
   * In case the image fails the callback will be given an object that contains a success flag.
   * Example:
   * loadImage('/imageServlet?xxxx', function(result) {
   *   if (result.success) { $(body).append(result.image); }
   *   else { console.log("The image failed to load!") }
   * });
   * @param {string} src The src for the image
   * @param {function({success:boolean, image:Image})} callback Give a callback to be called when ready
  window.loadImage = function(src, callback) {
    if (!HANDLERS[src]) {
      var queue = [];

      // This loadImage can be called more than once with the same src
      // before the image has successfully loaded. We will queue up any
      // callbacks and call them later, then replace this with function
      // that will directly invoke the callback later.
      HANDLERS[src] = function(callback) {

      // Create the image here, but do it only once!!
      var el = new Image();

      // When the image loads, we will keep it around in the el
      // variable, but the callback will be called with a copy
      el.onload = function() {
        el.onload = el.onerror = null;
        var call = HANDLERS[src] = function(callback) {
            success: true,
            image: duplicateImage(el) // This is where the image is duplicated!
        for (var i=0; i<queue.length; i++) {

      // This is just in case the image fails to load. Call any
      // queued callbacks with the success false.
      el.onerror = function() {
        el.onload = el.onerror = null;
        var call = HANDLERS[src] = function(callback) {
          callback({success: false});
        for (var i=0; i<queue.length; i++) {
      el.src = src;

2 回答 2


当页面开始获取图像数据时尝试 ajax 调用,并将其分配给要“复制”该数据到的图像的“src”。

    type: "GET",
    url: 'some url',
        success: function (data) {
            $('#img1').attr('src', url.createObjectURL(data));
            $('#img2').attr('src', url.createObjectURL(data));


$('#img3').attr('src', $('#img2').attr('src'));

非 jQuery 版本

function myAjax() {
    var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    var url="some url";
    xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true);
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "image/jpg");
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById('img1').setAttribute('src', xmlHttp.responseBinary);
于 2013-10-22T03:53:53.027 回答

您可能希望将文件名(“src”)存储在一个数组中,以便 javascript 可以确定图像是否已加载。您可以使用画布渲染图像...一旦图像加载到画布中,您可以使用 toDataURL() 克隆此图像...无需从服务器获取。

于 2013-10-22T05:16:31.820 回答