I am attempting to translate this code from Delphi to C++ Builder:

 procedure HandleStyleSheets(const Document: IDispatch);
  Doc: IHTMLDocument2;                      // document object
  StyleSheets: IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection;  // document's style sheets
  SheetIdx: Integer;                        // loops thru style sheets
  OVSheetIdx: OleVariant;                   // index of a style sheet
  StyleSheet: IHTMLStyleSheet;              // reference to a style sheet
  OVStyleSheet: OleVariant;                 // variant ref to style sheet
  RuleIdx: Integer;                         // loops thru style sheet rules
  Style: IHTMLRuleStyle;                    // ref to rule's style
   // Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
  if not Supports(Document, IHTMLDocument2, Doc) then
  // Loop through all style sheets
  StyleSheets := Doc.styleSheets;
  for SheetIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheets.length) do
   OVSheetIdx := SheetIdx; // sheet index as variant required for next call
   // Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to
   // interface reference)
   OVStyleSheet := StyleSheets.item(OVSheetIdx);
 if VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet) then
   // Loop through all rules within style a sheet
   for RuleIdx := 0 to Pred(StyleSheet.rules.length) do
     // Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
     // Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
     // attributes are shared between these interfaces
     Style := StyleSheet.rules.item(RuleIdx).style;
     Style.backgroundImage := '';  // removes any background image
     Style.backgroundColor := '';  // resets background colour to default

Everything went fine until this line:

    if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))

It reports: E2285 Could not find a match for 'VarSupports(OleVariant,_GUID,_di_IHTMLStyleSheet)'

Everything else translated just fine. Can anyone help me with above line?

My translation so far:

DelphiInterface<IHTMLDocument2> Doc;                                        // document object
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection> StyleSheets;                    // document's style sheets
int SheetIdx;                                                               // loops thru style sheets
OleVariant OVSheetIdx;                                                      // index of a style sheet
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheet> StyleSheet;                                // reference to a style sheet
OleVariant OVStyleSheet;                                                    // variant ref to style sheet
int RuleIdx;                                                                // loops thru style sheet rules
DelphiInterface<IHTMLRuleStyle> Style;                                      // ref to rule's style
DelphiInterface<IHTMLStyleSheetRule> StyleSheetRule;

// Get IHTMLDocument2 interface of document
if (!Supports(EmbeddedWB1->Document, IID_IHTMLDocument2, Doc)) throw Exception("Not supported");

// Loop through all style sheets
StyleSheets = Doc->styleSheets;
for (SheetIdx = 0; SheetIdx < StyleSheets->length; SheetIdx++)
    OVSheetIdx = SheetIdx;                                                  // sheet index as variant required for next call
    // Get reference to style sheet (comes as variant which we convert to  interface reference)
    StyleSheets->item(OVSheetIdx, OVStyleSheet);
    if (VarSupports(OVStyleSheet, IID_IHTMLStyleSheet, StyleSheet))
        // Loop through all rules within style a sheet
        for (RuleIdx = 0; RuleIdx < StyleSheet->rules->length; RuleIdx)
            // Get style from a rule and reset required attributes.
            // Note: style is IHTMLRuleStyle, not IHTMLStyle, although many
            // attributes are shared between these interfaces

            StyleSheet->rules->item(RuleIdx, StyleSheetRule);
            Style = StyleSheetRule->style;

            Style->backgroundImage = L"";  // removes any background image
            Style->backgroundColor = L"";  // resets background colour to default

1 回答 1


编译错误的原因是 VarSupports 被定义为采用 a Variant,而您传递的是OleVariant.

在我看来,好像代码正在尝试将 分配OVStyleSheetIHTMLStyleSheet界面样式表。在 C++ Builder 中,您应该能够分配它,如

_di_IInterface inter = _di_IInterface(OVStyleSheet);
StyleSheet = inter;

如果成功并且StyleSheet不为 NULL,您应该可以使用StyleSheet. 请注意,无效的 Variant 分配可能会引发异常,因此您可能需要处理它(并假设该异常也意味着OVStyleSheet不支持该IHTMLStyleSheet接口)

此外,C++ Builder 有一个 Interface.Supports 函数,它似乎可以做 VarSupports 所做的事情,除了 VarSupports 需要一个变体,因此 Interface.Supports 还需要您自己从 OleVariant 获取接口。大概是这样的:

di_IInterface inter = _di_IInterface(OVStyleSheet);
if (inter->Supports(StyleSheet))
    ShowMessage("StyleSheet has been assigned");


于 2013-10-22T00:57:20.690 回答