对于我的 javascript 项目,我有一个如下所示的列表:

<li id="1">101.33, "book name 1"</li>
<li id="2">600.01, book name 2</li>
<li id="3">001.11, book name 3</li>



  1. 将项目符号列表条目重新映射到新的(一致的)标签类型(您的选择——让它看起来漂亮!)。
  2. 对于 100 到 200 之间的条目,将 100 添加到杜威十进制数。
  3. 对于 400 到 500 之间的条目,将 200 添加到杜威十进制数。
  4. 850 到 900 之间的条目需要从杜威十进制数中删除 100。
  5. 600 到 650 之间的条目需要在杜威十进制数上加上 17
  6. 对于更改的项目,将“更改”附加到记录中。
  7. 对于未更改的项目,请在记录中附加“未更改”。
  8. 对于不正确的记录,将“无效记录”附加到记录中


var z = document.body.li.innerHTML;
if (z >+ 100 && z <= 200)
var q = z + 100;


谁能指出我在 javascript 中执行此操作的最佳方法的正确方向?我应该改用查找/替换吗?

编辑:试图修改大卫托马斯代码中的最后一个三元 if else 语句。似乎无法让它工作:

//define valid record number as at-least-one-integer.at-least-one-integer
var reggie = /\d+(.)+d/

if (_newText = reggie) {
'Invalid Record';
else if (_newText === a[textProp]) {
'no change';
else(_newText != a[textProp]) {
+ ')';

3 回答 3


一种方法如下(使用纯 JavaScript,尽管您需要使用最新的浏览器):

// first, we need to get all the 'li' items:

var lis = document.querySelectorAll('ul > li'),
    // find the relevant text-property for this browser:
    textProp = 'textContent' in document ? 'textContent' : 'innerText',
    // empty string variable to allow assessment of changes:
    _newText = '';

// Remap the bullet list entries to a new (consistent) tag type (your choice – make it look pretty!).
// do this one yourself.

// a function to zero-pad the numbers (I believe a requirement of Dewey Decimal):
function leftPadNumber(num, numLength, padChar) {
    var nString = num.toString(),
        major = parseInt(num, 10),
        minor = parseFloat(nString.substring(nString.indexOf('.'))),
        diff = numLength - major.toString().length;
    if (diff > 0) {
        return new Array(diff + 1).join(padChar || 0) + (major + minor);
    } else {
        return num;


// For entries between 100 and 200, add 100 to the Dewey decimal number.
// For entries between 400 and 500, add 200 to the Dewey decimal number.
// Entries between 850 and 900 need to have 100 removed from the Dewey decimal number.
// Entries between 600 and 650 need to have 17 added to the Dewey decimal number

// note that I've taken a very literal interpretation of 'between' (amend if necessary):
function amendedDeweyDecimal(num) {
    if (num > 100 && num < 200) {
        num += 100;
    } else if (num > 400 && num < 500) {
        num += 200;
    } else if (num > 850 && num < 900) {
        num -= 100;
    } else if (num > 600 && num < 650) {
        num += 17;
    // happens if num falls somewhere outside of the above constraints:
    return num;

// iterates over each element in the 'lis' nodeList/collection:
[].forEach.call(lis, function (a) {
    /* replaces the found numbers ('m') in the string, using the two
       functions, above, and assigns those to the _newText variable:
    _newText = a[textProp].replace(/(\d{3}\.\d{2})/, function (m) {
        return leftPadNumber(amendedDeweyDecimal(parseFloat(m)).toFixed(2), 3);

    // For items that get changed, append “changed” to the record.
    // For items that do not get changed, append “no change” to the record.

    // returns the original text to the element, along with '(no change)'
    // (if 'a[textProp]' is exactly equal to '_newText') or with '(changed)'
    // (if the two variables are not identical):
    a[textProp] = _newText + ' (' + (_newText === a[textProp] ? 'no change' : 'changed') + ')';

// For records that are incorrect, append “invalid record” to the record
// I have absolutely no idea how to assess an 'incorrect' record.

JS 小提琴演示


于 2013-10-21T23:07:55.260 回答

无论您是想使用纯 JavaScript 还是帮助程序库(例如 jQuery)来解决这个问题,我都建议您将您的问题分解为更小的任务并一一解决。最后,它们将相互融合,并构建完整的解决方案。我会从三个简单的功能开始(阅读您的描述,它们会经常需要):

  • 能够分别列出所有 LI 元素
  • 从 LI 内容中提取数字
  • 检查数字是否在给定范围内


// count of all LI items
var elements = 0; 
// fetch LI item one at a time
var element = document.getElementById(elements+1);
while (element != undefined) {
    // get the number
    var number = Number(getNumber(element.innerHTML));
    // do something with number and or LI element
    if (inRange(number, 100, 200)) { /* add 100 ...*/ } // and so on
    // go to next element
    element = document.getElementById(elements+1);

function getNumber(elementContent) {
    return elementContent.split(",")[0]; // TODO error handling

function inRange(number, min, max) {
    return (number >= min) && (number <= max);


于 2013-10-21T22:34:02.440 回答

试试 jQuery.each

$('li').each(function(index, value) {
    var val = $(this).text().split(','); //split into array
    if (index >= 100 && index < 200) {
        //do stuff
    if (index >= 400 && index < 500) {
        //do stuff
于 2013-10-21T22:12:24.097 回答