该程序的目标是枚举一个人可以通过地铁系统从 A 站到达 L 站的所有可能路径,而无需多次经过轨道。我知道教练告诉我们有 640 条可能的路径,我们使用邻接矩阵在 C 语言中编写了这个程序作为早期作业。现在的目标是做同样的事情,即枚举所有可能的路线并打印出每条路线,除了使用类(特别是 3 个:SubwaySystem、Station 和 Track),这次不使用矩阵。这是地铁系统本身的示意图。




 void SubwaySystem::SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID)
        if(my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID == 33)  // Find a successful route to Station L.
//The condition is set to check for 33 because a track_starting_ID of 33 would correspond to station L.
            count_routes++; //Add 1 into the variable “count_routes”
            cout << count_routes << " " << my_track[Current_Station_ID] << endl; //Print out this route
        else //Get into recursive Function Body
            for(int i = my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID; i < my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID + my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_size; i++)
                if(my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited == 0)  //if this track is not visited before
                    my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 1; //mark this track as visited
                    my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 1; //mark its corresponding track as visited
                    cout << my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_1; //save this track
                    SearchRoute(Current_Station_ID++); //Recursive
                    i--; //Backtrack this track
                    my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 0;//mark this track as unvisited
                    my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 0;//mark its corresponding track as unvisited

Current_Station_ID基本上是一个类似 i 的计数器。
my_station是一个大小为 12 的数组,包含所有 12 个站点。
my_track是一个大小为 34 的数组,其中包含每个站点之间所有可能的轨道组合。
track_starting_ID表示某个站点的可能轨道在 my_track 数组中开始的位置。抱歉,我不知道如何以更好的方式表达这一点。例如,如果您在帖子底部的整个代码部分中引用我在 SubwaySystem 构造函数中初始化的车站数组和轨道数组。你可以看到track_starting_ID指某个车站的轨道开始的起始位置。即,starting_ID 为 0 对应于 my_track[0],my_track[0] 是从站“A”引导的轨道的开始,starting_ID 为 1 是指 my_track(1),它是从站“B”引导的轨道的开始。并且起始 ID 为 6 对应于位置 [6] 的 my_track 数组中从站“C”开始的轨道。等等。(希望这使它更清晰而不是更混乱)。
track_size表示您可以从图片中看到的每个站点的轨道数量。例如,站 B 的轨道大小将为 5,因为有 5 条轨道从 B 站发芽
。visitednode_1node_2是不言自明的。visited 是一个布尔变量,用于检查是否已访问过一个站点,并且节点分别是当前轨道每一侧的站点。


SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID)
     if ( ) //Find a successful route to Station L 
         … //Add 1 into the variable “count_routes” 
         … //Print out this route 
     else //Get into recursive Function Body 
         //Use the track array to get all of its connected stations 
         for(int i = starting_ID; i < starting_ID + current size; i++) 
             if() // if this track is not visited before 
                 … //mark this track as visited 
                 … //mark its corresponding track as visited 
                 … //save this track 
                 SearchRoute( nextStaton_ID); // Recursive 
                 … //Backtrack this track 
                 … //mark this track as unvisited 
                 … //mark its corresponding track as unvisited 

这就是我理解的问题所在:我似乎无法正确实现我的递归函数 SearchRoute,因为我需要打印路径、标记路径,然后再次取消标记路径以允许回溯。当我打印出最终结果时,我要么陷入无限循环,要么得到一个单一的轨道,例如 A 到 B,这取决于我尝试放入递归调用本身的内容。


//Function Declarations
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#ifndef SUBWAY_H
#define SUBWAY_H

class Track
    //Default Constructor

    //Overload Constructor
    Track(char, char);


    //Member variables
    char node_1;  // node_1 and node_2 represent stations (for example
    char node_2;  // node_1 would be station A and node_2 would be station B)
    bool visited;

class Station
    //Default Constructor


    //Overload Constructor
    Station(char, int, int);

    //Member variables
    char station_name;
    int track_starting_ID;
    int track_size;

class SubwaySystem
    //Default Constructor


    //Recursive function
    void SearchRoute(int);

    //Other member functions
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station);

    //Member variables
    Track my_track[34];
    Station my_station[12];

    int count_routes;
    int Current_Station_ID;

    //String to save found route


// **cpp**

//Function Definitions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

//#include "subway.h"

using namespace std;

    visited = 0;


Track::Track(char pass_track1, char pass_track2)
    node_1 = pass_track1;
    node_2 = pass_track2;
    visited = false;



Station::Station(char pass_station_name, int pass_start, int pass_size)
    station_name = pass_station_name;
    track_starting_ID = pass_start;
    track_size = pass_size;

    //Initialize tracks
    //node_1, node_2
    my_track[0] = Track('a', 'b');
    my_track[1] = Track('b', 'a');
    my_track[2] = Track('b', 'c');
    my_track[3] = Track('b', 'd');
    my_track[4] = Track('b', 'e');
    my_track[5] = Track('b', 'f');
    my_track[6] = Track('c', 'b');
    my_track[7] = Track('c', 'e');
    my_track[8] = Track('d', 'b');
    my_track[9] = Track('d', 'e');
    my_track[10] = Track('e', 'b');
    my_track[11] = Track('e', 'c');
    my_track[12] = Track('e', 'd');
    my_track[13] = Track('e', 'g');
    my_track[14] = Track('e', 'h');
    my_track[15] = Track('f', 'b');
    my_track[16] = Track('f', 'h');
    my_track[17] = Track('g', 'e');
    my_track[18] = Track('g', 'k');
    my_track[19] = Track('h', 'e');
    my_track[20] = Track('h', 'f');
    my_track[21] = Track('h', 'i');
    my_track[22] = Track('h', 'j');
    my_track[23] = Track('h', 'k');
    my_track[24] = Track('i', 'h');
    my_track[25] = Track('i', 'k');
    my_track[26] = Track('j', 'h');
    my_track[27] = Track('j', 'k');
    my_track[28] = Track('k', 'g');
    my_track[29] = Track('k', 'h');
    my_track[30] = Track('k', 'i');
    my_track[31] = Track('k', 'j');
    my_track[32] = Track('k', 'l');
    my_track[33] = Track('l', 'k');
    //Initialize stations
    //station_name, track_starting_ID, track_size
    my_station[0] = Station('a', 0, 1);
    my_station[1] = Station('b', 1, 5);
    my_station[2] = Station('c', 6, 2);
    my_station[3] = Station('d', 8, 2);
    my_station[4] = Station('e', 10, 5);
    my_station[5] = Station('f', 15, 2);
    my_station[6] = Station('g', 17, 2);
    my_station[7] = Station('h', 19, 5);
    my_station[8] = Station('i', 24, 2);
    my_station[9] = Station('j', 26, 2);
    my_station[10] = Station('k', 28, 5);
    my_station[11] = Station('l', 33, 1);
    //Initiaize other members
    count_routes = 0;
    Current_Station_ID = 0;


ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track)
    os << my_track.node_1 << '.' << my_track.node_2;
    return os;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station)
    os << my_station.station_name << '.' << my_station.track_starting_ID << '.' << my_station.track_size;
    return os;

//This is where the above recursive function SearchRoute goes. I posted it separately so it's easier to read.

// **main**

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

//#include "subway.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    SubwaySystem findPaths;

3 回答 3


好的,这是一个可行的解决方案,它提供了 605 个解决方案,我认为这是正确的

// RandomTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Track
    //Default Constructor

    //Overload Constructor
    Track(char, char, int station, int opposite);


    //Member variables
    char node_1;  // node_1 and node_2 represent stations (for example
    char node_2;  // node_1 would be station A and node_2 would be station B)
    bool visited;

    int connected_station;
    int opposite_track;

class Station
    //Default Constructor


    //Overload Constructor
    Station(char, int, int);

    //Member variables
    char station_name;
    int track_starting_ID;
    int track_size;

class SubwaySystem
    //Default Constructor


    //Recursive function
    void SearchRoute(int);

    //Other member functions
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station);

    //Member variables
    Track my_track[34];
    Station my_station[12];

    int count_routes;
    int Current_Station_ID;

    //String to save found route

    void SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID, int from_track_id, Track **currentPath, int pathCount);

// **cpp**

//#include "subway.h"

using namespace std;

    visited = 0;


Track::Track(char pass_track1, char pass_track2, int station, int opposite)
    node_1 = pass_track1;
    node_2 = pass_track2;
    connected_station = station;
    opposite_track = opposite;

    visited = false;



Station::Station(char pass_station_name, int pass_start, int pass_size)
    station_name = pass_station_name;
    track_starting_ID = pass_start;
    track_size = pass_size;

    //Initialize tracks
    //node_1, node_2
    my_track[0] = Track('a', 'b', 1, 1);
    my_track[1] = Track('b', 'a', 0, 0);
    my_track[2] = Track('b', 'c', 2, 6);
    my_track[3] = Track('b', 'd', 3, 8);
    my_track[4] = Track('b', 'e', 4, 10);
    my_track[5] = Track('b', 'f', 5, 15);
    my_track[6] = Track('c', 'b', 1, 2);
    my_track[7] = Track('c', 'e', 4, 11);
    my_track[8] = Track('d', 'b', 1, 3);
    my_track[9] = Track('d', 'e', 4, 12);
    my_track[10] = Track('e', 'b', 1, 4);
    my_track[11] = Track('e', 'c', 2, 7);
    my_track[12] = Track('e', 'd', 3, 9);
    my_track[13] = Track('e', 'g', 6, 17);
    my_track[14] = Track('e', 'h', 7, 19);
    my_track[15] = Track('f', 'b', 1, 5);
    my_track[16] = Track('f', 'h', 7, 20);
    my_track[17] = Track('g', 'e', 4, 13);
    my_track[18] = Track('g', 'k', 10, 28);
    my_track[19] = Track('h', 'e', 4, 14);
    my_track[20] = Track('h', 'f', 5, 16);
    my_track[21] = Track('h', 'i', 8, 24);
    my_track[22] = Track('h', 'j', 9, 26);
    my_track[23] = Track('h', 'k', 10, 29);
    my_track[24] = Track('i', 'h', 7, 21);
    my_track[25] = Track('i', 'k', 10, 30);
    my_track[26] = Track('j', 'h', 7, 22);
    my_track[27] = Track('j', 'k', 10, 30);
    my_track[28] = Track('k', 'g', 6, 18);
    my_track[29] = Track('k', 'h', 7, 23);
    my_track[30] = Track('k', 'i', 8, 25);
    my_track[31] = Track('k', 'j', 9, 27);
    my_track[32] = Track('k', 'l', 11, 33);
    my_track[33] = Track('l', 'k', 10, 32);
    //Initialize stations
    //station_name, track_starting_ID, track_size
    my_station[0] = Station('a', 0, 1);
    my_station[1] = Station('b', 1, 5);
    my_station[2] = Station('c', 6, 2);
    my_station[3] = Station('d', 8, 2);
    my_station[4] = Station('e', 10, 5);
    my_station[5] = Station('f', 15, 2);
    my_station[6] = Station('g', 17, 2);
    my_station[7] = Station('h', 19, 5);
    my_station[8] = Station('i', 24, 2);
    my_station[9] = Station('j', 26, 2);
    my_station[10] = Station('k', 28, 5);
    my_station[11] = Station('l', 33, 1);
    //Initiaize other members
    count_routes = 0;
    Current_Station_ID = 0;


void SubwaySystem::SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID, int from_track_id, Track **currentPath, int pathCount)
    if(my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID == 33)
        count_routes++; //Add 1 into the variable “count_routes”
        cout << count_routes << " ";
        for(int i= 0; i < pathCount; i++)
            cout << *currentPath[i]; 
        cout << endl;
    else //Get into recursive Function Body
        for(int i = my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID; i < my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID + my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_size; i++)
                    //check all the tracks that we have visited before
            bool visited = false;
            for(int n = 0; n < pathCount; n++)
                if(currentPath[n] == &my_track[i] || i == currentPath[n]->opposite_track) visited = true;

                int nextStation = my_track[i].connected_station;
                currentPath[pathCount] = &my_track[i];
                SearchRoute(nextStation, i, currentPath, pathCount + 1); 

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Track& my_track)
    os << my_track.node_1 << '.' << my_track.node_2;
    return os;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Station& my_station)
    os << my_station.station_name << '.' << my_station.track_starting_ID << '.' << my_station.track_size;
    return os;

//This is where the above recursive function SearchRoute goes. I posted it separately so it's easier to read.

// **main**

//#include "subway.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    Track *tempTracks[34];
    SubwaySystem findPaths;
    findPaths.SearchRoute(0, -1, tempTracks, 0);


    return 0;
于 2013-10-22T01:27:03.937 回答


my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 1; //mark this track as visited
my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 1; //mark its corresponding track as visited
cout << my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_1; //save this track
SearchRoute(Current_Station_ID++); <<<<<<<< PROBLEM 
i--; //Backtrack this track  <<<<<<< Also this will do nothing
my_track[Current_Station_ID].visited = 0; <<<<<<< Now Current_Station_ID is 1 more than you are expecting it to be.
my_track[Current_Station_ID].node_2 = 0;//mark its corresponding track as unvisited

您在块的中间执行 Current_Station_ID++,然后再次使用它,就好像它与以前的值一样,++ 运算符实际上是将 Current_Station_ID 的值增加 1。

您也不需要在 for 循环中锁定此项。所以它应该是这样的:

void SubwaySystem::SearchRoute(int Current_Station_ID, int from_track_id, Track *currentPath, int pathCount)
    if(my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID == 33)
        count_routes++; //Add 1 into the variable “count_routes”
        cout << count_routes << " ";
        for(int i= 0; i < pathCount; i++)
             cout << my_track[i]; 
        cout << endl;
    else //Get into recursive Function Body

         if(from_track_id >= 0) my_track[from_track_id].visited = 1; 

        for(int i = my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID; i < my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_starting_ID + my_station[Current_Station_ID].track_size; i++)
            int nextStation = my_track[i].node_2;   ///<<<<<<< But you will need to change node_2 to be an int, and use the station number, not letter when you set them up
            if(my_track[i].visited == 0)
                currentPath[pathCount] = my_track[i];
                SearchRoute(nextStation, i, currentPath, pathCount + 1); 


       if(from_track_id >= 0) my_track[from_track_id].visited = 0; 


int main()
    Track tempTracks[34];
    SubwaySystem findPaths;
    findPaths.SearchRoute(0, -1, tempTracks, 0);
于 2013-10-21T22:25:08.007 回答

我找到了 640 条路线:

#include <stdio.h>

const char *connectom[] = {
"B",            // A
"ACDEF",        // B
"BE",           // C
"BE",           // D
"CDBGH",        // E
"BH",           // F
"EK",           // G
"EFJKI",        // H
"HK",           // I
"HK",           // J
"HIJGL",        // K
"K"             // L

char tracks[0x100];
char strout[0x100];

void path(char x, char *s) {
  *s++ = x;
  if(x == 'L') {
    *s = 0;
    printf("path=%s\n", strout);
  } else {
    for(const char *p = connectom[x - 'A']; *p; p++) {
       unsigned char track_ndx = x > *p? (x << 4) ^ *p : (*p << 4) ^ x;
       if(tracks[track_ndx] == 0) {
         tracks[track_ndx] = 1;
         path(*p, s);
         tracks[track_ndx] = 0;
       } // if
    } // for
  } // else
} // path

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  path('A', strout);
} // main
于 2013-10-22T02:39:28.550 回答