查看trinidad 蒙皮选择器的文档,我注意到一些选择器以结尾,:alias
.AFLabelDisabled:alias Aliased style class that is included in the label selector for all the form components when they are disabled. It is a quick way to style disabled form components' labels the same, instead of for each component: .AFLabelDisabled:alias instead of e.g., "af|inputText:disabled af|inputText::label".
.AFErrorIconStyle Style class that styles the .AFErrorIcon:alias icons.
.AFRequiredIconStyle Style class that styles the .AFRequiredIcon icon.
.AFRequiredIconStyle:alias Alias style class that styles the required icon for form components. It is included in the ::required-icon-style pseudo-element for the form components (e.g. af|inputText::required-icon-style)
我阅读了有关 alias skinning的开发指南,但这并没有帮助。