我正在尝试(使用 Greasemonkey)在完全基于 Ajax 的页面上模拟几个动作。 为 HTML 粘贴 Bin

第一步是保存页面上的数据。这会导致刷新下拉列表(ID 为 BP_Content_ddlCoupon)。然后我需要选择刚刚保存的这个下拉选项,以便我可以复制它。然后我对该项目进行更改并保存它,只是为了重新开始该过程。

但是,我不明白例程 WaitForKeyElements 是如何工作的。以下代码似乎有效。但是,函数 fnRetrieveTheCurrent 需要“重新选择”刚刚保存的选项,以便保存它的副本。

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Letsget - yet another test script
// @namespace   http://localhost.localdomain
// @include     https://admin.letsget.net/Private/MenuCoupon.aspx
// @version     1
// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// @require  https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js
// @grant    GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

var myCoupID, myCoupText;

window.addEventListener("load", fnAddButton(), false);

function fnAddButton() {
    var buttonElems = document.getElementById('uHeaderLinks_lblMessage');
    buttonElems.outerHTML = buttonElems.outerHTML + '<input id="gmbSaveAndCopy" type="button" value="Test Click" />';

function addButtonListener(){
  var button = document.getElementById("gmbSaveAndCopy");

function fnClickMe() {

    triggerMouseEvent ($('#BP_Content_btnSave_btnAction')[0], "click");
//evtx = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
//evtx.initEvent("click", true,true);



    myCoupText = $('#BP_Content_txtCouponDescription').val();
    myCoupID = $('#BP_Content_ddlCoupon').selectedOption().index;

    //Wait till the screen saves the current record, which you know by the fact that the 
    // "New" item shows up as the selected item which has an index of 0
    waitForKeyElements ("#BP_Content_ddlCoupon", fnRetrieveTheCurrent, true);


function fnRetrieveTheCurrent (jNode) {

    console.log('1 In fnRetrieveTheCurrent for: ' + jNode[0].selectedIndex);

    // Check to see if the screen is showing the "NEW" item in the drop down which is the 
    // indication that the record has been saved. (its index is 0)
    if (jNode[0].selectedIndex != 0) {return true;}

    console.log('2 In fnRetrieveTheCurrent for: ' + jNode[0].selectedIndex);


function triggerMouseEvent (node, eventType) {

    var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
    clickEvent.initEvent (eventType, true, true);
    node.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);


  function triggerHtmlEvent (node, eventType) {

   var clickEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); 
    clickEvent.initEvent (eventType, true, true);
    node.dispatchEvent (clickEvent);

   (function($) {
    $.fn.selectedOption = function() {
        var sel = this[0];
        return sel.options[sel.selectedIndex];

但是,当我将函数 fnRetrieveTheCurrent 更改为此时,它停止工作并且似乎处于无限循环中。

function fnRetrieveTheCurrent (jNode) {

    console.log('1 In fnRetrieveTheCurrent for: ' + jNode[0].selectedIndex);

    // Check to see if the screen is showing the "NEW" item in the drop down which is the 
    // indication that the record has been saved. (its index is 0)
    if (jNode[0].selectedIndex != 0) {return true;}

    console.log('2 In fnRetrieveTheCurrent for: ' + jNode[0].selectedIndex);

    //Re select the option that was just saved so we can make a copy of it
    $("#BP_Content_ddlCoupon option:contains(" + myCoupText + ")").prop('selected', 'selected');

    if ($('#BP_Content_ddlCoupon').selectedOption().index > 0) {

        triggerHtmlEvent(jNode[0],'change'); // this forces the page to change to this option info

        //waitForKeyElements ("#BP_Content_txtCouponDescription[value='"+myCoupText+"']",fnSaveTheCopy);
        // waitForKeyElements ("#BP_Content_txtCouponDescription",fnSaveTheCopy, true);


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