嗨,我们正在使用 sharepoint 2013 构建应用程序。目前我们将它们设置为具有两个单独域名的两个 Web 应用程序 -

  • Wep 应用程序 1 - www.webapp1.com
  • 网络应用 2 - www.webapp2.com

我们还有用于身份验证的 ASP.net 成员角色提供程序数据库。现在我们要为这两个 Web App 实现单点登录。如果我使用一个 Web 应用程序进行身份验证,并且我尝试导航到另一个 Web 应用程序,则不应要求我再次重新进行身份验证。

我怎样才能做到这一点。我不能使用 ADFS,因为我们维护一个单独的数据库,其中包含所有用户信息作为 asp.net 成员角色提供程序的一部分。有人可以指导我如何实现这一目标。



1 回答 1


You are right, the SP2007 model was a lot easier but not extensible.

Are these web applications on the same SharePoint farm? The SharePoint STS can be shared across multiple web apps as long they live within the same farm. You can configure your webapps and the Sharepoint STS to use FBA with your custom membership/role provider.

We managed to implement a similar scenario but the webapp1 was living on Sharepoint 2010/2013 and the webapp2 was an standard ASP.NET app. The user logs in on webapp1 and the ticket was shared across to webapp2. The same scenario can be used to share tokens between Sharepoint web apps as long they live within the farm. (Your Sharepoint STS will internally talk to your membership/role provider however behind the scenes a FedAuth token will be created as your SP web apps only understand claims)

Hope this makes sense, if not let me know.

Gerardo Diaz

于 2013-12-15T17:03:00.340 回答