整个下午。我正在尝试实现上述目标,并一直遵循上述指南,请参阅@ http://www.asif18.com/4/php/window-on-scroll-load-contents-in-php-mysql-using-jquery-引导程序/
我创建的测试页面可以在这里看到。 http://coolnique.com/products_autoscroll.php
它似乎不是坐着无所事事。'loadmore' 页面在我访问它时不会出错,所以可能是 javascript 无法正常工作?
$(window).scroll(function(){ /* window on scroll run the function using jquery and ajax */
var WindowHeight = $(window).height(); /* get the window height */
if($(window).scrollTop() +1 >= $(document).height() - WindowHeight){ /* check is that user scrolls down to the bottom of the page */
$("#loader").html("<img src='img/loading_icon.gif' alt='loading'/>"); /* displa the loading content */
var LastDiv = $(".project small:last"); /* get the last div of the dynamic content using ":last" */
var LastId = $(".project small:last").attr("id"); /* get the id of the last div */
var ValueToPass = "lastid="+LastId; /* create a variable that containing the url parameters which want to post to getdata.php file */
$.ajax({ /* post the values using AJAX */
type: "POST",
url: "_loadmore.php",
data: ValueToPass,
cache: false,
success: function(html){
LastDiv.after(html); /* get the out put of the getdata.php file and append it after the last div using after(), for each scroll this function will execute and display the results */
//include location select
// Connect to database
//Find last record
if(isset($_POST["lastid"]) && $_POST["lastid"] != "0"){
$lastid = $_POST["lastid"]; // save the posted value in a variable
$query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_price_$setLocation IS NOT NULL and product_id < '$lastid' Order By product_id DESC LIMIT 10";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die('Invalid query: ' .mysql_error());
// Store number of products as variable
// Start loop to display products
while ($i < $num) {
// $f5=mysql_result($result,$i,"category_id");
// $f6=mysql_result($result,$i,"product_desc");
$f1spacesremoved = str_replace(' ', '_', $f1);
if ($setLocation=="us")
$currencysymbol = "$";
$currencysymbol = "£";
//Write each product
//loop the text below
echo '<div class="project small" id="'.$f7.'">
<div class="inside">
<a href="/product/' .rawurlencode($f1spacesremoved). '/' .$f7. '">
<img width="300" height="175" src="/img/products/'.$f4.'" class="thumb wp-post-image" />
<span class="title"><span>'.$f1.'</span><span>'.$currencysymbol.' '.$f2.'</span></span>
</div> </div>
// Repeat loop until finished
$query="SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_price_$setLocation IS NOT NULL Order By product_id DESC LIMIT 20";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die('Invalid query: ' .mysql_error());
// Store number of products as variable
// Start loop to display products
while ($i < $num) {
// $f5=mysql_result($result,$i,"category_id");
// $f6=mysql_result($result,$i,"product_desc");
$f1spacesremoved = str_replace(' ', '_', $f1);
if ($setLocation=="us")
$currencysymbol = "$";
$currencysymbol = "£";
//Write each product
//loop the text below
echo '<div class="project small" id="'.$f7.'">
<div class="inside">
<a href="/product/' .rawurlencode($f1spacesremoved). '/' .$f7. '">
<img width="300" height="175" src="/img/products/'.$f4.'" class="thumb wp-post-image" />
<span class="title"><span>'.$f1.'</span><span>'.$currencysymbol.' '.$f2.'</span></span>
</div> </div>
// Repeat loop until finished
<div id="loader"></div>
<div id="divResult"></div> <!-- here the rest of contents will display dynamically -->
任何指针都会有很大的帮助,因为我似乎无法让这件事起作用!我对 PHP 有点陌生!